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(Forgets to change chapter name from just 'f' before posting)
Kinda mad at myself that I wrote 6 whole chapters of what even is about to go down while you're in Clarines but ill deal with it and post anyway.

Your POV

For the next two weeks I spent most of my time with Zen and the others. The other bit of time I had was stolen by Isabelle.. She got really comfortable around me. She asked me these weird personal questions and things about Zen and i..
Then there was a new rumor being spread around.. It was found in the newspapers in town. Izona called me and Zen to his office and asked us privately why this rumor of my family being alive was spreading.. And I had an answer.
"Y/n, Zen, did you tell anyone about your father being alive?" Izona asked as Zen and i looked at the paper. Its not specific as to who is alive, it just suspects that one or more of my family members are alive. The only people I ever told were the ones I trusted with my life.. Then theres Isabelle.
"I didnt tell anyone.." Zen said ans looked at me in wonder because I was wearing a grin.
"Isabelle." I said smiling, "We've been meaning to ask you about her but we figured you had something in mind.." I trailed off.
"In mind?.. What do you mean?" He asked in confusion but I knew he knew what i was talking about.
Lord brother, are you marrying this girl because of her family's rumors?" Zen asked and got right to the point. Izona laughed and stood up from his spot.
"Maybe i am" he chuckled and walked around his desk then leaned on it in front of us.
"Knew it.." i whispered to Zen with a grin. His smile grew a little but he didnt say anything back.
"Y/n, were you testing Isabelle on her loyalty?" Izona asked with a smile and knew the answer already.
"Oh no, who in the world would give someone a test as dumb as that?" I grinned and was just joking but maybe I shouldnt mess with the future king.. Although, he did start laughing.
"Are you mocking me for the test I gave you a couple weeks back?" He asked and suddenly scared me.
"N-No.." i stuttered and looked away.
"Lord brother, we know what Isabelle's plans are but why did you agree to this marriage?" Zen asked and took a step forward in front of me.
"Youll learn that with time. I suggest you prepare your swords though" Izona said suddenly. Our swords? There will be a fight? A war?
"She's planning to attack?.." i asked in shock.
"As you know, shes the daughter of the most well known drug dealer in this region. We cant prove that though so we're trying to lure him out and once they come they will not stop" Izona explained.
"..So im hearing we get to fight?" I asked with a little grin.
"Get to?" Zen asked quickly with a little glare.
"Sitting around doing nothing for the past 6 months studying sucked, I want to do something fun" i explained with a sigh.
"I dont want you anywhere near a fight!-" he began but izona stopped him.
"Save your bickering. The fight is inevitable and everyone will be involved whether they choose to be or not." Izona shouted, "they will most likely choose the wedding to strike so i need your help to protect the crowd and lead them somewhere safe" Izona explained.
"Underground.." Zen muttered in thought.
"Theres an underground?" I whispered to Zen in shock.
"Yes, a safe place. Youll learn of it if needed." Izona spoke, "for now, i need you both to keep doing what you are. And Y/n, dont get ahead of yourself" he told me specifically. Ahead of myself.. i suppose I was pushing the limits with Isabelle a few times.
"I understand.." i nodded.
"Lord brother, the wedding is tomorrow. Are you sure of this battle?.." Zen asked worriedly.
"I called for some help but im not sure if it'll be needed in the end. This fight may very well be pushed back till after shes crowned. Ill see you both tomorrow then" Izona told us before walking back around his desk and sat down.
Zen and i quickly left after that. "Zen, if your brother called for help then will there be a big fight?.." i asked softly as i was reminded of when my house was attacked that day long ago.
"Im not sure.. I promise to protect you and always be by your side no matter how large or small the army turns out to be" he said as he took my hand then brought it to his lips and left a gentle kiss. "That was always my promise to you.. you will always be protected with me.." he whispered as his other arm wrapped around my waist. He pulled me close then kissed my lips right in the middle of the hall. Its been a long while since we've dkne this, i feel a bit warm..
"Thank you, Zen.." i whispered against his lips before we began to pull apart.
"We should go tell the others this news too before tomorrow.." he smiled and held my hand tight.
"But maybe there won't be a fight. Let's hold off.." i asked and stood pressed against his side as we walked.
"Why wouldn't there be?.." Zen asked in quiet confusion.
"They might wait till she's queen.. Lets stay quiet for just a little longer.." i aaked and looked up to his eyes.
"Alright but they won't be happy when they hear we knew the whole time" Zen sighed with a small smile.
As soon as we reached Zen's office, we were met with Isabelle. Everyone else's is gone.. She must've sent them away again..
"Princess, i came to inform you about the arrival of many different wedding dresses, would you allow me to help you decide?" Isabelle asked as soon as we opened the door.
"How did you know about that?.." Zen asked her in quiet confusion as we stood at the door.
"Miss Kiki let me relay the message. It'd be an honor to accompany you!" She shouted happily. Kiki wouldn't have told her that unless she was forced to..
"Im sorry Isabelle, I didn't tell you because this is a private thing between me and my family." I explained as nicely as I could.
"Oh.. I see." She said as she lowered her head and walked behind us to the door.
"Isabelle, would you still like my help getting ready tomorrow for your big day?.." i asked before she left.
"No, that's alright. Thank you, princess" she gave me a small bow before leaving and shutting the door.
"I wonder where the others went.. She mustve called them off not too long ago" Zen asked as he walked to the window.
"Im not sure.. I hope they're okay.." i muttered out of fear. Isabelle is quite mean with her words but if she dared lay a finger on any of my family she will have hell to pay.
"Princess, I am here" Rue suddenly said from the closet. I jumped in my spot as soon as the closet door swung open.
"R-Rue! Why were you hiding?" I asked as i tried to calm down.
"What is that paper for?.." Zen asked as Rue walked out then handed Zen and i the paper.
"We knew miss Isabelle would be arriving soon so Obi suggested I hide and wrote down what she said to them. Obi has been wanting to talk to you about this and often complains to shirayuki." Rue eplained as i read over the horrible things that woman said. "Prince Zen, through the crack, I could see her digging in your desk. It looks like she took a small box out and that was all" Rue explained.
"She stole something?.." i asked with wide eyes and felt so shocked. What could she want?..
"It couldn't be.." Zen muttered before quickly going to his desk. He pulled  out on of the lower drawers then stopped.. "Rue, im giving you a task" Zen spoke as he quickly picked up a paper and pen then began to write.
"Yes, highness?" He asked and waited for instruction.
"Bring this note to my brother in secret. Don't let anyone see you, especially not Isabelle. Once you are done you will report back a letter Izona has sent back, undersood?" Zen asked quickly as he folded the note then stuck it in Rue's hand.
"Understood, sir. I will be back as soon as possible" he bowed before taking his leave and leaving Zen and i in silence. Whatever Isabelle took from Zen really hurt him.. He looks terrified somehow and so sad.
"Zen, what is it that she took?.." i asked softly as i walked to his side.
"Its nothing to worry about, Y/n. Let's go find the others now, you dont want to keep those dresses waiting" he smiled as he took my hand and changed completely.
"Zen, whatever it was mustve been really important to you! Isn't there anything I can do to help get it back?" I asked and stood right in front of him.
"Its alright, whats inside isn't more important than you are to me. She can take anything she wants but you" he told me with a sweet smile and a little tilt of his head.
"...Stop acting so cute for once.." i sighed as a little blush spread across my face.
"I-I wasnt trying to!-" He shouted back in embarrassment as i began to pull him along out the door.
As soon as we walked out of his office we found Obi walking towards us with a serious look on his face.
"Did you talk to Rue?.." Obi asked quietly as he stopped in front of us.
"We did just a minute ago and we know what she's been doing is wrong but we don't have any power over the future Queen.." Zen replied with a sigh.
"But shes not queen yet!.." Obi whispered angrily.
"Obi," i called with a small smile, "everything will be alright but you need to give it time and don't do or say anything against her unless you want to take her wrath head on" i spoke softly and was just trying to get through to him without giving away anything. "I need you here in Clarines to look after everyone for me, you can't get yourself kicked out before I do, okay?" I smiled.
"Fine.. Ill try to help the others avoid her too because clearly the two of you have planned something" he sighed and scratch the back of his head.
"We did not" Zen crossed his arms while i giggled.
"Where are the others?" I asked with a bright smile and felt excited for trying on new dresses.
"With shirayuki hiding in the phar-.. Wait! Did you seriously turn down miss Isabelles request about the dresses?!" Obi shouted suddenly and pointed at me in shock.
"Yes, she did" Zen chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder with a smile. "She said she wanted to be with her family instead" Zen spoke with such happiness and was looking at me with sparkling eyes.
"Your fathers and siblings are here?.." Obi asked in quiet confusion.
"No, Obi" i giggled as i took Zen's hand and began to walk with the two down to the herbalist hall.
"..Me?" Obi asked again and kept getting more and more confused.
"Everyone but not you, Zen" i giggled looking up to him.
"Oh I see, im not allowed to see it till the big day, huh?" He asked and rolled his eyes.
"Exactly" i grinned happily and walked with imaginary purpose.
"Dont you know its bad luck for the groom to see the bride in the dress before the wedding?.. I cant believe im even allowing you to get married" Obi sighed to the both of us.
"I cant believe you werent going to tell Y/n you asked for shirayuki's hand" Zen muttered with a grin while i was holding in a laugh.
"At least I did it properly" Obi smirked. Zen stopped in his place, stopping me too, and glared holes through Obi. "S-Sorry! I'll go find the others!" Obi shouted quickly before sprinting down the hallways.
Zen sighed and shook his head with a little smile on. "Dont worry about Obi, he just likes one-upping people" i told Zen with a soft laugh.
"I haven't forgotten my promise to you still. I will use the right words someday soon.." He spoke softly and quietly so the people around wouldn't hear as we passed a more crowded area.
"A promise to promise.. I still remember" i smiled and tried to walk close to his side so it would be harder to see our hands locked together.
"One day ill give you back this necklace too. Someday I hope comes soon" he sighed and pulled put mothers necklace from his pocket.
"And one day you'll have your watch back but id like to hold onto it for a little longer.." i smiled as i gently lifted his watch out from under the fabric of my dress to public eyes.
"One day.." Zen sighed and squeezed my hand a little without realizing it.
"Yes but I have a feeling that day will be put off again with Isabelle around.. there will be a lot going on soon.." i muttered quietly.
"I hope thats not true.." Zen whispered back. I know hes sad about us being put off for so long but I have this strong feeling that ill have to leave him again..
"As do i.." i whispered and gently lowered my head.
Soon enough we finally found the others hiding out in the herbalist hall just as Obi said.
"Highnesses, I thought we'd see one of you but not the other" the chief greeted as we walked in.
"Why is that?" I asked as i looked around. Everyone seems pretty hurt by the words that stupid girl uttered to them.
"Well, we thought you'd be woth isabelle about now.." Kiki explained and didnt really look at me.
"Technically i only came back for this wedding but im really here just to be with you guys. I really missed home and I'm not going to spend all my days here with anyone else" i smiled to them and hoped to raise their spirits.
"Are you sure?.. what if she gets you in trouble somehow?" Shirayuki asked quietly.
"The fun part about a title like mine is that its hard for me to get in trouble" i smirked and put my hands on my hips while Zen shook his head.
"Unless you're out of the castle for longer than you're allowed" Rue suddenly said at the door behind Zen and i and made the two of us jump in our spots.
"That was fast.." Zen muttered and tried to calm down after that scare.
"I should put a bell on you.." i sighed.
"Y/n, whats going to happen when she becomes queen though?.." Obi asked suddenly and caught everyones attention.
"Nothing will change. If i get in trouble, so be it." i shrugged in thought.
"But then you might have to leave early or never even come back!.." Mitsuhide exclaimed which made everyone think more.
"Dont worry about that for now. I believe there's somewhere you all have to be.." Zen said with a smile and looked back to me.
"I can believe she's already picking out a dress and you haven't even proposed yet" the chief sighed as Zen tightened up.
"Who told her?!.." Zen whisper shouted through a glare.
"We thought that because she knew everything else and kept it secret it wouldn't matter now.." Obi explained with his eyes pointed somewhere far from Zen.
"Its okay, and I'm only looking.. My father might not be very happy if I picked a dress without his approval anyway.." i said softly and shrugged a little as i looked down at my hands. I dont know if the king wants me picking a dress yet.. Its probably too early anyway if all this stuff with Isabelle is about to happen.. I really hope Zen and i won't be put off for much longer..
"Princess, if you do find a dress than we can bring it back to tanbarun to present to the king" Rue explained and was still standing by the closed door.
"Lets not worry about that now though and we shouldn't keep the dresses waiting" Kiki smiled and stood up from her spot.
"Obi loves dress shopping, dont you?" Shirayuki asked him sarcastically with a smile as she took his hand and stood up next.
"Master made me go last time, I didnt want to go against his orders is all.." Obi muttered and crossed his arms.
"Ill stay with Zen then while you ladies are gone" Mitsuhide chuckled while Obi rolled his eyes.
"No, its alright, unless you dont want to go" Zen smirked and was just trying to mess with Mitsuhide.
"Wh-What? That is not what I said!" Mitsuhide shouted back.
"Princess, should I stay with the prince as well then?" Rue asked politely. I've had Rue by my side for 3 weeks and he's only looked me in the eyes when I asked him to. Not to mention Isabelle is mean and probably reminds him of Dominic. He's trying, i can see it but its just hard for him.
"I was actually thinking about doing some training, want to join, Rue?" Zen asked with a smile.
"Yes, highness" he gave a little bow. He's acting proper and professional still but I can tell he's excited for a fight against Zen. He must like fighting, maybe he finds it as a sort of stress release. I know I do.
"Kiki, mind showing the way?" I asked with a smile.
"Not at all, highness" she nodded and began to lead us away.
I felt like i had some sort of knot in my stomach though. I still cant believe ill be getting married. I never ever imagined the life I have now..
"Wish me luck" I smiled nervously at Zen at the door.
"Y-Yeah, good luck.." He said with a light tint of pink covering his cheeks as he waved to me.
I nodded while smiling before leaving with the others.
"Your dad would be so mad he couldn't be with you right now" Obi told me with a sigh.
"Yeah right, dad hates it when mom and I used to dress up for fun" i giggled and walked with everyone by my side.
"What about the king? What do you think he'd say?" Shirayuki asked next.
"I dont actually know. We haven't talked about dresses yet, all we've said about this matter is that we have to keep waiting to marry.." I answered in wonder.
"You poor things" Kiki said with a soft giggle, "At least you announced your title sooner rather than later or else you might have had to wait more time" she told me.
"Yeah, thats true but it still sucks.." i sighed.
We continued walking and talking before finding this big room with a few dresses on a rack.
"They only brought a few just to see what you might like so don't think this is the only time you'll try on gowns" kiki told me as a quiet woman stood next to the rack.
"Oh, thank you" i smiled as i went to get a closer look. Theyre all so big..
"Princess, I have been sworn to secrecy and promise to keep this news hidden" the woman bowed to me and sounded so sweet.
"Im glad" i smiled and nodded to her. "Kiki, did you request these dresses?.." i asked curioisly as i looked at the skirt of each gown. Why are the all so big?..
"I had a feeling you'd asked that" she laughed.
"Theyre huge!.." Obi whispered to me in shock.
"Yes, they are.. How do you walk in these?.." Shirayuki whispered next.
"Uh.. Not sure.. Next time we'll request for some thinner ones but I do like these trains.." i said as i pulled out the long lace train.
"I thought these dresses would be best fit for a princess but I suppose they are a bit big" the woman who brought these told me with a sigh.
"Its alright" I smiled, "i didn't grow up wearing these fancy dresses and I still don't want to wear them but maybe for this occasion I should." I shrugged as i picked up a plain one off the rack. Its all lace and is off the shoulder.
"Should we try this first?" The woman asked happily.
"Oh, yes, thank you" i nodded and smiled before she lead me back to a curtain where I could change. It felt perfect but the skirt was.. Huge. It looks like a dress a princess would wear and it has this heart neckline that shows off a bit too much skin and scars.. Not to mention this off the shoulder thing, the sleeves are 2 inches wide and I'd like to keep my arms covered.
"You poor thing, the stories mustve been true.." The woman sighed and was looking at the long scar on my arm.
"I'd like to keep my arms covered. I dont want people to see these scars.." i muttered as i looked at myself from a private mirror behind the curtain.
"Princess, can we see now?" Obi shouted.
"Yes, im coming" i smiled and shook my head. I picked up the front of the dress that puffed up a great deal because of the skeleton on the inside then walked out. They all looked stunned and happy but i hated this dress.
"Wow.. You really look like a princess now, Y/n" Shirayuki awed as i stood in front of them.
"I dont think she likes it.." Kiki muttered while Obi was trying to hold in a laugh after seeing the uncomfortable look on my face.
"Lets try another then. Maybe take off the skeleton as well and find some sleeves?" The woman asked as she pulled another dress.
"Id appreciate that" i sighed in relief and followed her back to the curtain.
"Prince Izona is marrying tomorrow.. The girl seems.. Very nice.." The woman began a conversation as she helped me in the dress.
"Oh no, you mustve had quite the conversation with her too, huh?" I asked with a deep sigh.
"I hope Prince Izona is able to calm her down before she becomes queen. The Princes and you are so kind and sweet but that woman is horrible and disrespectful towards everyone in this castle.." she whispered to me and didnt look happy about Isabelle.
"Dont worry, she'll be calm and tame soon. I know she has a nasty habit of talking down to people but maybe once she's queen she'll calm down" i reassure the woman without giving anything away.
"I sure hope so.. In all honesty, the kingdom would prefer you and Prince Zen as king and queen i think" she said as she tied the corset.
"Prince Izona has always been in the light as the future king and doesn't mind it. Zen and i would much rather be who we are now anyway, being royal has lots of setbacks and being king must be horrible to deal with.." i explained, "Izona has the best intentions for this kingdom and if love gets in the way of his kingdom he wouldn't have it so you must trust that he is doing the right thing" i told her with a smile as she finished helping me in this dress.
"You're right, princess" she smiled as i looked down at myself. Its so much better without the skeleton and the sleeves are beautiful..
I walked out to everyone with a nervous smile and sort of felt excited about this one.
"Oh, Y/n.." Shirayuki muttered and put her hands over her mouth as i stopped in front of them.
"This looks beautiful" Kiki smiled and nodded.
"I think.. I think there might be too many beads.." Obi said in thought as he looked hard at this dress.
"I agree, I really liked the lace on the other dress but I like the fit of this one and the sleeves" i said as i looked down at myself.
"And the train! Its so pretty!" Shirayuki shouted out happily.

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