Horrible Wedding

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Your POV

"Im coming in!" Zen suddenly shouted at the door before slamming it open. There he stood looking more worried than ever but in this amazing royal attire. His hair is even parted nicely which is something I haven't seen before on him. I think i turned pink because I felt like i was burning up. "Y/n, why were you crying?" Zen asked with this beautiful concern, wprry, and bits of anger as he quickly walked to my side. I couldnt help but to just stare. I knew he'd be worried.. But i like how he worries.. Hes always looking out for me.
"I-i dont know!" I stuttered quickly as i tensed up and felt a bit embarrassed now. Hes so close looking right in my eyes and all I'm doing is blushing! I'm such a mess!
"Dont lie to me, your eyes are bright red and you look in pain" he said with a little glare as he touched his hand to my burning cheek. I felt myself burn even hotter at his touch. Then suddenly a tear slipped out of my eye for no known reason.. I think im just happy.. Happy about having him so close to me.. "Y/n.." He whispered and gently wiped the tear off my cheek.
"O-Oh! I-Im sorry, I just uh- im, i-" i stuttered in pure embarassment as i looked away and wiped my eyes.
"Shes happy you're here" the chief said with a smile. So embarrassing.. I cant believe i cried because of happiness.. I just.. I just really wanted him to be next to me again..
The tears kept flowing as I began to think if how much I wanted to always be by Zen's side. It was always him in my eyes. Always him making things hundreds of times better.. It was always his love keeping me going.
"Please dont cry anymore.." he whispered as he took my hand away from my cheek that tried to wipe away my tears.
"She had a run in with some lions in the den a while ago. They seemed to really get to her this time. I found her outside crying alone and I offered to find you but she said she didn't want you to see her in that state" the chief explained as Zen looked into my eyes and wipped my tears with his thumb.
"I heard what happened from my brother but I didnt think-.. Im sorry i wasn't there fast enough.." he apologized to me for no reason. He always thinks that he has to be by my side all the time and if something happens he always blames himself for it.
"Dont apologize. It was my fault for getting caught up in there.." i said with a little smile as i looked back into his eyes.
"No, I know how those people can be.. Chief Garak, do you mind helping her a little longer? I need to go talk to someone for a minute" Zen asked and looked away from me. Talk to who?..
"Not at all but don't keep your princess waiting long" she agreed as the blush on my face continued to stay. I hate all this teasing she does, shes worse than Obi..
"I wont" Zen chuckled and looked to me as he said that before taking his leave and shutting the door tight.
"Now lets put some new makeup on you. Maybe something nice and natural since I know you hate this pampering" she chuckled to me.
"I just dont like sitting around for hours is all" i sighed at her comment.
"Thisll only take a second then. Close your eyes please" she said.
She took her time doing light eyeshadow on me. She made it look very natural by only adding a bit of a pinker tone that didnt show much but made my eyes look bigger than added a little bit of sparkle. Lastly she put a bright red lipstick on which was completely unexpected. I thought this was supposed to look natural but she said adding a pop of color would be nice.
Not long after, Zen came back with Rue next to him. Zen mustve asked Rue what happened then.. Anyway, it was time for us to go and find our seats in the ballroom. I entered through a secret door with Zen and Rue. Zen had to split ways with me quickly though to meet his brother. Rue helped me find my assigned seat though. It was even in the very front row.. Right next to the Queen of Clarines. I had never met her in my life. She lives in a separate location and doesn't do much work after the king passed long ago. Zen never talks about his family, maybe its because he wasn't around them much other than his brother.
My seat was a chair down from hers. Zen was going to sit between us.. Which makes things rather awkward.
"Hello, majesty, Its very nice to meet you" i bowed as she smiled at me.
"Miss Moon, ive heard quite a lot about you over this past year" she said with such a soft tone of voice. She's very beautiful, now I know where her sons got their looks from.
"I hope they were all good things but I suppose i have been a bit of trouble since coming to Clarines, I apologize" I said as i kept my eyes down. I cant look in her eyes for some reason.. im not scared of her i- well, maybe I'm scared of what she'll say to me..
"Oh no, they were all wonderful things, dear" she told me with such a soft laugh. She so kind and calming somehow. I wish to be more like her someday..
"Mother, I see you've already met princess Y/n of Tanbarun" Zen said as he came up from behind.
"Briefly, id like to talk more after the ceremony though if you dont mind" she asked with a slight tilt of her head and such a kind smile.
"Of course, highness" i nodded and felt a little flutter in my chest. Shes so kind to me but im sure she knows the rumors about what I've done in my past. She excused all of that though and talked to me like a person.. Thats something I'm trying to do as well.
I took my seat next to Zen with a smile on my face and felt happy about meeting his mother. Its a little nerve-wracking but it's a good experience.
"Did chief garak do your makeup?" Zen asked quietly and didnt looked at me while he whispered so I didn't look either.
"The lipstick is too much right?.." i sighed and balled my hands together in my lap nervously.
"N-No!.. It looks really good actually.." He whispered quickly and turned his eyes to me as i did at the same time.
"Thanks.." i whipsered and felt my face begin to burn a bit.
We were pretty quiet after but I felt like i could relax a little. I dont understand why I was placed in the front row right next to Zen and the Queen. I shouldnt be here, I should be in the next row or the one after with other royals and nobles so it confuses me as to why I'm here..
Time passed though and Isabelle made her grand entrance. Her dress flowed down the stairs and looked extremely heavy and annoying to deal with but she looked beautiful in it anyway. She walked down the tall stairs with grace and kept her chin up.
Her dress barely fits down the wide isle and her father was by her side. This man is supposedly the one Izona is truely after. As the wedding progressed I really got to thinking.. what if Izona really did fall in love before? What if she was a servant he wouldn't be allowed to marry? What if she was another noble or royal at the ball? When things settle down I hope Izona really does find love.. Hes gone through all this trouble for his kingdom but he hasn't thought about himself at all. I think id do the same though.. If my kingdom was in trouble like this I'd probably be doing the same as Izona even if it meant having to set aside my own feelings.. Though I'd hate it completely. Izona must feel the same way. I feel horrible for him.. He doesnt look happy in the slightest dispite that useless smile he's trying to show. As I looked down past Zen at the Queen, she doesn't look happy either. She must know about Izona's plans then, right? She probably only would have agreed to this marriage if she knew she could trust her son's word. Izona really is a trustworthy man even if he is a bit creul at times. Im glad he accepted me after finding out I have this big title though.. If I didn't have it, I'd never get to be with Zen.. We'd be stuck in such a tough spot but I think as long as I'd be by his side everyday I'd be alright. Even if Zen did move on to marrying another woman, id be content with staying by his side as his attention forever. Even if it hurt.. But i don't have to worry about that. We can be together soon enough.. Once this attack is over and Isabelle is done with being the new queen, Zen and i can finally be together.
The ceremony finally ended with the exchanging of rings and a less than romantic kiss. Poor Izona..
"That was interesting" the queen sighed as she stood up and stretched.
"Mother.." Zen whispered and tried to remind her of her manners but I thought the way she acted was comforting. She's not so proper all the time and she's kinder than i would have imagined. Maybe she grew up with a family as playful as mine was?..
"Y/n, Zen, lets go grab a drink and talk while we wait for Izona and his lovely bride" she smiled and stood up straight but relaxed and happy.
"Really?.." Zen grumbled but I thought it was cute how he got embarrassed by the way his mother acted.
"Come on, youll be alright" i giggled to Zen and began to follow behind his mother.
"Thats what you think.." he sighed and looked a bit stressed. Everyone was now free to roam around and mingle or snack again like before till dinner. The Queen took Zen and i somewhere far off and away from other people. We picked up small glasses of champagne and stood together while trying to avoid other peoples attention.
"Y/n, you must know of my son's plans regarding Isabelle, correct?" She asked suddenly just before I took a sip of my drink. Thank goodness I didnt because I would have choked from the surprise of that question.
"Y-Yes, highness. Im aware of his general idea but I dont know anything in detail" i explained and tried to look as poliet and proper as i possibly could.
"Its a shame he chose this way to deal with her family.. Months ago, he wrote me a letter stating his initial plan but he also mentioned how another girl caught his eye at the ball. The poor boy must wish it was the other girl with him instead of that woman in a ridiculous dress.." She hummed in displeasure.
"Really?.. I didnt think there was a single girl there he truely cared for.." Zen asked in awe while I felt so sad. I thought Izona might've liked another.. I wonder if that poor girl is here today?.. im sure she must be disappointed as well..
"Y/n, is something the matter?.." The queen asked as i looked back to her eyes then quickly away again.
"No, majesty, I was just thinking of how hard Izona must have it now. I'd be beyond depressed if I was in his place.." i said softly as i looked at the drink in my hands.
"Would you do it too?" She asked suddenly. My heart skipped a beat at the question as i finally met her eyes, "Would you risk the happiness of your own life forever for the sake of your kingdom's safety?" She asked again and looked serious.
"I would but I'd hate it the whole time" i answered with a soft laugh. Zen smiled once he heard my answer. To us, our kingdoms mean more than just ourselves and what we want. This is thousands of other people's lives that could be ruined if we were selfish. We couldn't do that to them.
"Would you as well, Zen?" The queen asked next.
"Yes but id hate it the whole time" he chuckled and glanced back at me.
"I see" she giggled to herself, "Y/n, dear, how long have you known Zen for? I'm assuming you met him before Izona" she asked sweetly.
"It was the day after I left Alfin. I had ran through Tanbarun to the board of Clarines that night and hurt my ankle so I rested against a tree and in the morning I found this girl laying outside an empty house and a bird was eating her food while she slept," i began my semi long story, "so I climbed down to her and shooed away the bird. I stayed there till she woke up. Not long after she did, Zen came running down the hill," i giggled as i looked to Zen who seemed a bit embarrassed now, "he tripped and hurt his wrist after seeing the two of us and that's how we met" i finished happily and had a grin on my face.
"You were wearing a black mask and large black cloak, why wouldn't i have been surprised seeing you?.." Zen glared and tried to not look so embarrassed.
"My, it sounds like you two have quite the history then. Did you know of his title when first seeing him?" The queen asked, happily continuing the story.
"No and I was honestly a bit scared of people back then. I didnt talk at all and i didnt let anyone touch me for any reason unless if it was the girl helping me out with my hurt ankle, she's a court herblist here now" i continued as i thought back to that day. It was scarey but one of the best days of my life.
"What happened when you found out he was a prince?" She asked with a laugh and was so amused with this story of us.
"After spending all that time in Alfin with Dominic she feared royals and nobles. I dont know how long it took you to trust me but I think it was around the day you ran off with Obi" Zen began and looked at me in wonder.
"That was 3 days after meeting you and I had finally said my first words to you" I laughed when I thought back to it, "Dominic sent my old friend after me but Obi wouldnt take me back to Alfin so we ran off together. I was afraid that getting Zen and the others involved would lead to something horrible but it couldn't of turned out better" i smiled as i began to loosen up. Im so glad Zen stuck around for me back then..
"You chased a random girl you met in the forest wearing nothing but a black mask and cloak who was being hunted by another kingdom?" The queen suddenly glared but didnt seem to catch anyone's attention.
"..Yes." Zen muttered and looked away.
"My god, Zen.." his mother sighed and looked a bit stressed before becoming happy again. "Well, im glad it was you then" she sighed and smiled. "As for your secret relationship" she suddenly girnned. Oh gosh, shes just like Obi and chief Garak!.. is everyone going to start teasing us now too?!
"Mother, please be quiet.." Zen whispered and looked over his shoulder to make sure no one over heard.
"Ive heard quite a lot about it from Izona. He said the two of you are hopelessly in love that its becoming embarrassing to watch and now i see what he means" she said with a weird grin.
"Embarrassing?.." i muttered with a blush lighting up my face. No we're not!
"Hes told me about your letters and the things youve given each other till you see each other again. Hes also told me about your upcoming marriage meeting if that ever gets to happen" she said happily but.. If?..
"Yes.. We just wished this situation is over with already.." Zen answered as I took a small sip of the champagne in my glass.
"I understand how you must feel being apart for so long. You already have Izona's approval of the wedding so you don't need mine but I did hear about the secret dress fitting happening yesterday from a certain loud mouth bride" she grinned. Loud mouth? She has a nice way with words, just like something my family would say!
"Yes, I did find something yesterday" i laughed a bit and placed my hand over Zen's watch hiding under the fabric of my clothes.
"I hope you know I have to see this gown before the big day especially if its anything like Isabelle's" she whispered and glared towards where Izona and Isabelle stood far off.
"Its definitely not like hers" I giggled at her words, "i promise to show you before either of us leaves the castle. Ill have to show my father as well. He'll probably be mad i picked one out without him" i said with a short laugh.
"The king? Of course he would" she giggled, "i cant wait till then, dear" she said happily.
"Princess, lady Isabelle requests your presence.." Rue said softly from behind me. I let out a soft sigh after hearing the news.
"Excuse me but I must go greet Isabelle now, majesty" i said before bowing.
"Good luck, dear" she called with a wide smile. "Zen, you stay here though. The princess can handle herself" the queen said and held back Zen. I knew he would want to follow me but it seems like they need to talk more, probably about me.. I left quickly with Rue by my side.
"Ive tried to keep away unwanted people while you've been talking to the queen and prince Zen" Rue said as we walked through the crowd.
"Thank you, thats very kind but we'll be okay. You can go have a drink if you'd like while you wait for me" i said with a smile and nodded towards the table.
"I promised not to be intoxicated while being with you, highness" he said like a soilder again.
"Its champagne. If i can handle it then you can too. Theres no harm in having a little drink while waiting. Ill see you in a bit" I said as i gently pushed him towards the table before continuing to Izona and Isabelle.
"Y/n! How has things been so far? I hope you didnt mind the seating arrangements." Isabelle shouted and completely dropped all titles. Not that I'm mad about it, i urge people to not use my title but for some reason when she does it, it makes me angry.
"Everything was beautiful and I didn't mind the arrangements at all. It was nice to meet the Queen, shes very nice" i said happily and looked at Izona for a second in question about the seats. He glanced to Isabelle as a response. Of course she placed me right next to Zen on purpose. I think she's trying to give away the wedding plans.
"I hope she wasn't too kind, she has a lot to say sometimes" Izona sighed.
"She found the story of me and Zen meeting funny. It was pretty weird how we met now that I think about it" i giggled to myself.
"Really? She knows about you and Zen as well? You must be close already" Isabelle said and actually looked a bit jealous.
"No, we only just met a few hours ago but she really is a fun woman to talk to. She's not quiet as proper as i thought a king or queen would be. I assumed she'd be uptight like Rue over there" i giggled and secretly pointed to Rue, "i told him to relax but he still doesn't know how to do that yet" i sighed in defeat.
"Thats odd, the queen was much more like Rue when meeting me. I dont think she likes me much.." Isabelle sighed.
"O-Oh! Well, maybe she was having a bad day. She's really happy though now because of the wedding" i exclaimed quickly. The queen probably hates Isabelle for what she's doing to Izona so im not surprised she was a bit mean.
"Youre probably right, she does look very happy now" Isabelle sighed in relief.
"Anyway, thanks for returning my family's portrait to Zen yesterday. I wondered where it might have went" i smiled and held my hands behind my back in fists.
"O-Oh, dont worry, i knew it was probably important to you" she said and can't look me in the eyes at all. Izona looked irritated by her answer because he knew she was lying as well.
Other royals began to come up to us and talk. There was really good conversation about my work in Tanbarun and everyone complimented me on how hard I was working. It seemed to make Isabelle a bit jealous though that the topic was away from her so.. she decided to make matters worse.
"Y/n when was your upcoming marriage meeting with Prince Zen going to be again?" Isabelle blurted out for no reason. We were still talking about Tanbarun then she ruined it..
"What?.." Some gasped and looked astonished.
"Im not having a meeting any time soon. The king says I must wait till I become used to my life in Tanbarun before he allows anything like that to happen" i spoke with confidence and not a hint of doubt.
"Then the wedding dress you had already picked out?" She continued. Izona looked like he was about to blow his top at how Isabelle kept going on. Father won't be happy about this news..
"The weddung dress? You think that was for me?" I asked and laughed at her question. I know how to turn this around!
"Why else would such dresses be at the castle?" She asked again with a little glare. Everyone was dead silent and were all wondering about this. I know i have many men who would like to take my hand and denying all this with Zen will only attract more men but i have to for now.
"My friend is enaged to my best friend and attention, Obi. I grew up with him in Alfin and only wanted the best for my friend and his bride so while I was here, I suggested she would try on dresses" i smiled and felt all proud of my answer.
"Yes, I heard of that engagement as well. They suit each other rather nicely" Izona added on which only helped my case. Thanks to him helping keep this going, no one will suspect a thing.
"Im sorry for the confusion but i will not be having a marriage meeting with anyone for months to come nor will I be engaged" i clearifed to eveyone around.
"When that day comes princess, my son would be the perfect fit for such a woman like yourself" one woman began then started a whole chain of requests like that. I cant believe im being asked to different marriage interviews so quickly like this. I wonder why they would pick me though. Maybe because my royal family is royal.. Or maybe because my other family is good with swords and were once warriors.
"Princess, theres rumors of you family still being alive. Is that true?" One man asked and intrigued everyone.
"Of course not." I replied simply as the crowd began to get bigger and bigger all because of me. Isabelle was getting mad again so I excused myself quickly and ran off to Rue who still hadn't had a sip of what hes holding in his cup.
"Rue, they really are lions.." i sighed as i stood in front of him and tired to hide.
"I was about to step in before you excused yourself. It looked like you were running out of excuses" he said with a teasing grin.
"Yeah thanks for the help" I growned, "isabelle tried to leak the secret about me and Zen then even mentioned the wedding dress but i said we were shopping for shirayuki instead" i grinned happily.
"You know what that means then right?.." he asked and looked a little serious.
"Oh no.. Shes gonna go after them now.." i muttered and put my hands over my face.
"No, it means we have to find a different place to put the box. She knows shirayuki works there so she might start looking through the pharmacy next" he explained.
"Youre right but where do I put it?" I sighed.
"Maybe you can keep it with me" the queen said from behind me suddenly. Its so loud in here and I was so focused on the deess that i didn't even realize she was there. I jumled in my spot once hearing her before she began laughing. "Sorry, dear, I thought it'd be harder to scare someone from the Moon clan though" she laughed to me.
"Im sorry, I've been too relaxed lately. I should start paying attention more" i apologized as she stood in front of Rue and i.
"Oh, dont worry" she reassured me, "you looked a little overwhelmed over there. I would be too if I had so many people crowding me" she sighed as she looked back to the others.
"Isabelle was getting angry again so I had to walk away" i smiled and gave a little shrug.
The music began to play at long last. People began to circle around Izona and Isabelle to watch the first dance.
"Good luck dancing with all the bachelors out there. Make sure you make Zen a little jealous too for me" the queen giggled before walking off.
"I have to dance with random dudes?.." i grumbled to Rue which made him crack a laugh.
"Look on the bright side, maybe prince Zen will give you more attention after this is over" he chuckled to me.
"Not cool.." i grumbled again.
The first public dance soon started. Zen was swept away by other women and I had to dance with a Duke who only talked about his handsome son. I had to dance with many men who only talked about their sons and taking my hand in marriage. I wish i could have told them off but it'd disrupt Izona's plans regarding Isabelle so I couldn't.
After hours, I finally got the last dance with Zen. It felt like i had finally reached the finish line and Zen was my prize for being so patient all day. We had the last slow dance which was nice but my feet were hurting. Thankfully Zen took it slower than he should have to save me some pain. During that dance we talked about the conversations we had today. He told me all about the gossip the others previously heard about us not doing a marriage meeting like they all thought or stuff about the wedding dress. He pouted when I had told him that I denied everything and went on to get numerous invites for marriage interviews everywhere. In return out of jealousy he flaunted the fact that he had many other women out there wanting to have a marriage meeting with him as well.
"Youre just mad im so popular" i whispered and grinned at him hoping no one could hear us.
"I knew you would be but id rather you not have to listen to so many offers.." be mumbled back and looked sad and mad about this subject.
"They aren't tempting" i told him which really caught his attention again, "if thats what you were wondering.. Im not tempted by those nor am I looking at anyone other than you.." i explained to him quietly and felt a bit embarrassed.
"Then I guess i won't have to worry about another man sweeping you off your feet" he smiled and looked all proud of himself.
"You never had to" i rolled my eyes at him as the music began to end..
Everything ended right there. Izona and Isabelle left somewhere, probably still in the castke while everyone went to their carraiges and back home. Me, Zen and the queen on the other hand had plans to rehide my dress. She'll be staying until Izona's crowning is finished so she'll hide my dress in her quarters till then.
It really surprised chief garak when the queen walked through the doors. She went to find my box then bought it back with a cloth wrapped around it to help hide it better. From there we walked the queen to her room and watched her place the box in a large closet out of sight. Zen and i parted ways after that. I had to go take off my dress and shoes before i died and he was tired of wearing his fancy clothes. We later met back up with everyone at dinner and discussed what happened in there. Shirayuki looked paniced that I said the dress was hers, so did Obi.
That was the end of my day. It was calming and fun. I never told anyone about my break down, that'd be horribly embarrassing.. Im just happy Zen didnt see it. Rue hasn't spoke of it which is nice too. When it was time for every to split ways and go to bed, Zen and i stayed back just to hang out for a while. We talked about stuff. In the beginning we only talked about why I was crying ealier.. Those people just got to me I guess. Ive never broken down like that before, where I was on my knees crying.. im such a mess.. All Zen did was hold my hand while we talked together and i felt so much better. We had to go to bed eventually and it was a little late at night when we left each other.

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