chapter four

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Jialia's POV

Yuyan and I are at work. I'm cleaning the counter while she's taking customers orders.

"Is your answer the same?" Yuyan asks as she's done with a customers order.

I nod as I wipe down the counter. Yuyan slowly breathes in and makes the customers order. I know Yuyan is disappointed in me with the decision I have made. I don't want to ruin Xiaojun's future. I'd rather keep everything the same it is and not change a thing. I like how everything is right now. Simple and easy. I'd rather take care of Jian myself.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back." Yuyan says then leaves the front counter.

A group of customer appears. Xiaojun, Yangyang and Kun. I deeply sigh and act as if Xiaojun is not Jian's father though I'm the only one who knows and so does Yuyan.

"Hello again." Yangyang smiles.

"Hello." I force a smile. "What would you like today?"

"I'll order a green tea latte, one americano and one frappe." Xiaojun says. "All large please!"

I punch the order in. "$15.59 is your total."

Kun and Yangyang wonders off and sits at a table. Xiaojun hands me cash.

"How's Jian? Is he doing well? I'm sorry that I haven't visit him. My schedule has been packed." Xiaojun says.

"Don't be sorry. He's doing well. He's recovering very well." I say then give him his change.

"I'm glad to hear that!" Xiaojun smiles. His necklace!

"Oh! Ummmm.... you left this. I don't know how you left this but you left this behind. I didn't know how to give it to you, so I kept it until you came back here." I say as I give Xiaojun an envelope under the counter. His necklace is inside.

He takes the envelope from my hands. "Thank you."

He walks towards his table. I catch myself smiling. My face feels hot. Why am I smiling? Why is my face hot? Stop smiling. I shouldn't be smiling. I go and make them their drink. Yuyan comes out on time when I am done making their drinks.

"Your favorite group is here. Go take it to them!" I say then eye at their table.

"Let me be in charge of this." Yuyan quickly turns around to face them, turning back around to grab their tray of drinks and rushes towards their table.


The night has come and I'm in my room with Jian. I watch him pick up his toy and put it inside his toy box. It's time for him to sleep. When he's done, he quickly climbs into his bed.

"Mom." Jian asks as I cover him with blankets. "I have a question to ask."

"What is it?" I ask as I sit down besides him.

"Why did dad leave us?" Jian asks which shoots me in shock.

I try not to act shock, though I am. I don't want to lie to my son, but I'm not ready for him to know the results yet that is father is still around and didn't run away. I deeply sigh. One day I will have to tell Jian soon about his father.

"I'm asking because I really envy other kids that have fathers. Whenever I see my friends with their dad, I get really sad and envy them. I sometimes cry because I don't have a dad." Jian sadly says sounding as if he's gonna cry.

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