chapter twenty four

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Hendery's POV

As I'm going to exit the classroom. I see the guy that hangs around with Jialia walking in the halls talking to people. I quickly hide myself behind the wall.

"What is he doing here?" I quietly ask myself.

I peek back out to find that he's not there anymore. I've got to investigate. What is he doing here? Don't tell me he's going to school here. Xiaojun will definitely not like it. Speaking of the devil, where did Xiaojun go?

You know what. I'm gonna go follow the guy that hangs out around Jialia. I'm more suspicious of why he's here. Xiaojun will be able to get to the car by himself. He don't need me.

I scan the hallways and use my instincts to think of which way he could of gone. I lead myself to the other side of the university where no one is rarely at. I hear speaking. I follow the sound. I make it to the voices and slowly peak out my head to see Chunhua and the guy that hangs out with Jialia.

"You took care of her phone right? There's nothing that can ruin us right?" Chunhua asks.

What is going to ruin them? Who's phone are they talking about?

The male nods his head down. "I have the recording on my phone. No one is going to be able to get it."

"You better. I don't want Hendery to know that I was getting close to him was to only get close to Xiaojun." Chunhua says which shocks me. What Yuyan was trying to warn me was true.

So Chunhua was only close to me to get closer to Xiaojun. Yuyan did warn me. I didn't listen to her and it is true.

I feel broken into thousand of pieces. I don't want to believe that Chunhua was close to me was because of Xiaojun. I gave her my love, my time and attention just to know that she's only close to me to get near Xiaojun. Did she not see my love? Did she not see my worth either? Was my time and effort not enough as well?

I hold back my tears. I walk away to accident my stumble across some tin cans on the floor which made a loud sound. I hear them coming behind me.

"Hendery!" Chunhua says which I turn around.

I turn back around and walked away from Chunhua. I hear her follow me.

"It's not like what it sounds like Hendery! I promise it's not! Listen to me please?" Chunhua says as she follows me.

She catches up to me walking in front of me which makes me stop. I look away from her.

"I don't want to listen at the moment." I say, trying not to build up the anger inside me. "W-why didn't you tell me that you were getting close to me to get close to Xiaojun?"

"Y-you heard it. I didn't mean for you to hear it this way. I didn't want you to know the truth. I wanted to act as if what happened between Lufeng and I never happened." Chunhua says.

"There's more to this..right?" I ask trying not to spark.

Chunhua nods her head. "Everything was my plan. I planned it all out. Don't blame Lufeng for anything. I dragged him in because of my selfishness. I was willing to hurt you so that I could be with be Xiaojun. I-I don't think it can be that way anymore. Because-"

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