chapter seventeen

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Jialia's POV

I wake up in my bedroom. I question myself. How did I get in my bedroom without myself knowing how I got in here? I roll out of bed to see a box wrapped on the shelf that catches my eyes. I take the box and open it up. I see my dad's silver ring, my heart necklace of my parents and I and finally a picture of my family. I look behind the picture to see a written words.

Letter: I know it's been a long time since we've last were in contact. Can we met up again? I want to see you and my grandson. The address is place on the bottom. 4pm, today. I hope to see you there. I miss you very much. -mom

I look at the bottom of the picture to see a address. I throw the picture, necklace and ring back in the box and threw it in the trash. I walk to the bathroom and wash up for the day.

Xiaojun is playing with Jian in his bedroom. I walk over and sit on the couch and watch them play.

"Can I go get the hair products from your room?" I ask.

"You really want the hair products?" Xiaojun asks as he joins me on the couch. I nod my head. He smiles in exchange. "It's in my bathroom."

"Thank you." I smile then leave the room.

I quickly rush to his room. Once I enter, I close the door behind. I enter his closet which is attached to his bathroom. I enter the bathroom to see some hair products on the side of the shower. I grab them to feel that they are empty.

"Did he use them all already?" I ask myself.

I throw them in the trash. I'm sure he restocked some in his bathroom somewhere. I'll take those and help him put some in his shower. I search his bathroom cabinets to find that he doesn't have them in. I exit the bathroom to see check the closet. He might store them in there. Big closet.

I see some hair products on a shelf in one of the closets. It's on one of the high shelfs. A short person like me is gonna struggle to get it. He's not that tall either. Does he manage to reach that high? I tippy toes as one of my arms are holding onto the second shelf and my other hand is trying to reach for the product. I am struggling. I try again.

"I'm almost there. Jialia! Just a little more." I encourage myself as I try to push myself a bit higher to grab the hair product.

As I'm able to grab it, my toes gave up, making me knock down a wooden box. I quickly pick up the pictures to see that it's Xiaojun and a female which catches my eyes. I slowly look at each and one of the pictures. He's smiling and laughing brightly in these. There's a picture of him and the female holding a cake together. Their faces looks like it has cream on it.

That reminds me when Xiaojun and I put cake cream on each other's face. There's another picture of their heart necklaces which reminds me that I need to give his heart necklace back to him. How have I forgotten about that? Then it means that this female must be FenFang.

Collecting all the pictures, I see some birthday cards. I set aside the pictures and open the birthday cards to read they are from FenFang.

Birthday Note: Happy Birthday, my lovely Dejun. It's been months since I've last seen you. I miss you very much you know! I can't wait to graduate so I can come see you and the rest of the crew. I hope that all of your wishes will come true.
Especially one wish. I hope that you will remember it when I come back! I love you very much. See you soon.
Love, FenFang.

Does he still love FenFang? Does he still linger for her? Is this why he still keeps their stuff? Why do I feel sunken in? Why do I feel sad? Why do I feel jealous as well? I don't love him or have anything towards him. Why should feel this way? We're only together because of Jian. Not for other reasons. I shouldn't feel anything towards him. He still loves his ex.

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