Chapter 6-The "Forbidden" Topic

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Purple smoke rose from the ground, and out of the smoke, Ran appeared. Kitsune fainted, and Hemali backed away, staring disbelievingly at Ran... even with his twisted features, Hemali remembered... it was Aren, possessed by the demon Ran. When Silver woke up, she had red eyes and pure white hair-Eun, the fox goddess, had possessed her.

Kekekekeke, Eun, Silver's brother laughed evilly. I told you that girl was weak!

Kitsune, who still had the features of a fox, growled, Ran, you coward. You hid for years, and you wiped the memories of everyone who knew Aren. Everyone but Kitsune. Why?

Ran stopped laughing. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was supposed to forget. How could that be?

Eun smirked. I told you. Aren may have more training, but Kitsune has more potential. If she managed to fight your spell, who knows what else she can do? After all, you always boasted that no mere mortal could withstand any of your magic, much less your forgetting spells.

Whatever. Ran sighed. You may as well let everyone go back to their normal lives. I've learned what I needed to learn anyways- you're arrogant. Clever, perhaps, but still arrogant. Just wait, we will meet again. Until then, ta-ta!

Just as Ran's form melted back into purple smoke, Eun lunged. No! she cried. Her eyes flashed with anger. Silently, she promised herself- she would find Ran again, and when she did, she would show no mercy.


As usual... I have nothing better to do so another question~ Actually quite a few...XD

~What's the history between Eun and Ran? Were they friends? If so, what made them turn against each other? (I'm probably not going to answer that in this book... but you never know! :3 It'll probably be in the sequel if I make one)

~How was Kitsune not affected? Here's a possibilty: Maybe Silver wasn't powerful enough to beat the spell on her own. Maybe it was because he cast the spell within a few seconds, so the spell was weaker. After all, Hemali remembered Aren after he saw him in his demon form... Do remember- "Stall them. I need time to cast and prepare the spell." So how come he casted it within 5 seconds...? :P I'm just teasing you guys. XD But anyways, if anyone has questions, comment or private message me please! I'll make a book for questions if you want. Also... If you like the book, I can dedicate parts of it to you. Or if I make a question book... well you should get what I mean by now. If you don't want me to, just tell me! ^_^ ~Too late, already made one! :3

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