Chapter 14-.....Aaaand she's still laughing!

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"It means you're acting like a boy."

"I am one!"

"... that's kinda my point."


Tentai smiled teasingly, "Kekeke~"

"JUST TELL ME ALREADY!!" Hemali whined.

Kitsune smirked. Stretching a little, she yawned daintily.

An irk mark appeared on Hemali's forehead. "FOX GIRL TELL ME ALREADY DAM*IT!!!!!!"

The person in question started looking serious again. Dead serious. "Are you sure you want to know?" Kitsune asked softly.

"Of course I am!" Hemali growled.


Just then, Eun decided to walk into the room. Or, rather, she padded. Hello! she singsonged into the minds of Kitsune and Hemali.

Kitsune glared at the fox goddess. "What do you want?" she snarled. Meanwhile, Hemali, still unused to the whole telepathic thing, jumped in fright and screamed like a little girl.

Eun raised an eyebrow. Now now, she chided. That's no way to treat your elder, is it?

At this, Kitsune giggled. And then she laughed. Soon, her laughter turned hysterical and she rolled on the floor giggling. This time, Eun gained an irk mark. KITSUNE!!!! she screeched into the mind of the helplessly laughing Kitsune.

~5 hours later~

Eun's PoV

Why...How is that girl still laughing? o- o

*Kitsune is still rofl, literally.*

~10 hours after laughing fit started~

.....Aaaand she's still laughing! =_=

*pokes Kitsune with a not-very-dull-claw* HEY HOSTESS!

3rd Person POV

Kitsune screeched, "WHAT THE HELL WOMA-VIXEN (female fox)! WHY YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEE Q~Q"

Eun swished her tail and padded slowly, almost like a predator, around Kitsune. Slyly, she asked, What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?

While Kitsune sweat dropped, the ever-so-helpful Hemali was chuckling in the background. Which of course, no sane person would be happy about. So Kitsune was pretty justified when she did this.

Kitsune's PoV


Hey, Hemali deserved that like sushi deserves delicious seaweed! D:< So don't judge me! Didn't expect me to have a PoV, did you? =w =

Hemali's PoV

"OW!!!!!" I shrieked, and I'm not ashamed to say this, like a little girl. Hey, Kitsune whacks hard alright?!?! q~q And don't you dare call me a girl. I know I look like one but other than that incident, I act like a perfectly normal male.

Back to 3rd Person PoV

After the ever-so-girly scream from the oh-so-helpful (not) Hemali, Kitsune smirked, set down her spear delicately, much more so than the way she'd laid it on Hemali's head, dusted her hands as if she'd just done something dirty, and cleared her throat.

"So, Hemali..." she started off with an apologetic tone. However, there was a faint, but clear nevertheless, smirk on her face.

Hemali pouted childishly. "What was that for?!?!" he whined with a barely perceptible trace of pain in his voice.

Kitsune narrowed her eyes, and for a moment, Hemali could've sworn they'd flashed red. "Do. Not. Mess. With. Or. Mock. Me. Got it?" she asked, her voice deadly cold.

Trembling, Hemali nodded and fled.

"Hemali?" Kitsune called out, her voice soft and upset. After about ten minutes, Hemali slowly walked out from the shadow of a huge tree.

"Yes?" he asked, his voice just as soft but filled with fear instead of remorse.

"I'm sorry Hemali," Kitsune said sincerely. "I-I-I don't know what's wrong with me.. recently I've been feeling-"

Grouchy?  Eun asked, making both of the poor humans jump in fright.

"W-Why y-yes..." Kitsune stuttered, confused.

Wondering how I know? Eun smirked.

"Nooo, really?" Kitsune retorted sarcastically.

You and your attitude. Eun chided. You really need to work on that, you know?

"Your point being, Great Gumiho Goddess-"

Eun glared. Of what? Gullibility so you can have a ton of alliteration?

"Nice hyperbole Immature Immortal."

Touché Hot-Headed Hostess.


Whatever. You wanna know why you're grouchy or not?

"Ugh fine," Kitsune muttered angrily.

Uh-uh-uh~~~~ Not until you answer my question, Kit.


Ahhhhh calm down now, dearie. Raging is my thing, you know? You're supposed to be the one keeping your temper. Eun pointed out while... Cleaning her claws. Besides, she continued. You are more important to me than my own kits.

"Yeah, duh. Who wouldn't be, except that idiot father?


Victorious, Kitsune smiled and skipped off until she realized.... "Hemali. Where is he?" She panicked.


I realized I never posted a picture of Eun or any of the other characters =_= I feel ... so forgetful now :( But anyways, there's a pic of Eun on the top if you noticed :D Btw the girl is Ara Haan (the character I based Kitsune off of) but the class she is (for you Elsword players, Asura) won't necessarily be Kitsune Silver Tentai's class. For those of you who aren't familiar with this fandom and are like "What the heck is going on @.@" I don't blame you XD Think of classes sort of like different jobs with different... powers. Here's the link:

Oh and this might be my last update for about a month (THAT'S WHEN I FINALLY GET MY SERIOUSLY NEEDED SUMMER BREAK!!!!! :DDDDDDD) And the original title for this was going to be "Truths Told" but using a quote seems fun so yeah...

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