Hypnotized and trapped

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Winger's P.O.V

Hypno Island?

"I've only heard stories about that. Does it really exist?" I asked Summer.

"Maybe. If it does... this is it." She replied. I glanced around nervously. What if something was watching?

"Then we should probably get out of here." I said.

"But Winger! It's so nice here! Why would we ever want to leave?" Summer cooed.

"Um... Summer?" I tried to get her attention. Something seemed to have entranced her.

"I think we should just stay here! This could be our new home!" She swayed and rolled over onto her back.

"The grass is so soft..." this wasn't good.

"Summer? Summer! Snap out of it!" But she didn't.

How could she have possibly just been hypnotized out of nowhere? Something flew over my head. I jumped and stood guard. What was that?

"Oh Winger! Did you make a new friend?" Summer asked in her daze.

I froze. There was breath on my neck. I turned around slowly and faced a large green dragon. We were frozen to the spot. He just glared into my eyes.  Then he shot forward and snapped, trying to get my face. I leaped back and ran towards Summer.

"Summer! We have to leave NOW!" I pushed her toward the cave, still running.

"Why? Can't we just stay a little longer?" She protested as I hurriedly made my way to the cave. I stopped for a minute and looked back. The green dragon was gone.

"Huh... that's strange." I said to myself.

"It sure is." Growled a voice above me. I looked up and was immediately pelted with a bag of flowers and powder. Everything started to blur.

"Goodnight Swiftwing." The voice said. That was the last thing I heard before completely blacking out.

Summer's P.O.V

Where was I? How did I get here? I took in my surroundings. I was in a cage that seemed to be hanging from the ceiling of a large cave. Not like the one Winger and I travelled through, but more like a lair. Winger was laying beside me, unconscious.

"Winger. Winger are you ok? Get up!" I whispered to him. He stirred and opened a sleepy eye.

"Summer? Where are we?" He asked.

"Trapped. I can tell you that much." I replied.

"Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?" Winger questioned.

"No, I can feel it too." I said. He looked down through the bars of the cage. His eyes widened.

"Uh, Summer?" He said, sounding panicked.

"Is that what I think it is?" I walked over to him and looked down.

"Uh oh." I said. The cage was hanging right over molten lava.

"So I see you two are finally awake." A spine chilling voice growled.

We looked up at a ledge, higher above the cage. A ginormous dragon stood there with a smaller green dragon at his side.

"That's the green dragon from earlier!" Winger said.

"That green dragon is a Primal Aquabeast." I told Winger.

"And the huge dragon next to it is a... oh no." I said as I realized what it was.

"A Red Death." The Red Death smiled cruelly.

"Ah, So you know what I am. Intelligent girl. However, your smarts will not be able to help you much here. You see, I'm going to lower that cage into the lava and cook you. I haven't had a decent meal in a while." He told us. I was shaking, extremely scared.

"You two love birds will make a perfect dinner!" He claimed. Now I was shaking with more than just fear. I snuck a glance at Winger and saw him blushing.

"Oh, uh, we're not... like that." He stammered. The Red Death just stared.

"Wait really? You guys aren't a thing?" He looked dumbfounded.

"No, no.. we're not.." Winger assured him. Although there was something else in his voice. Something not well enough hidden...

"You're kidding right? How are you guys not... NO MATTER! I will have my dinner regardless." The Red Death all But shouted. He said something to the primal aquabeast, who nodded. He scampered off, with the Red Death following. The cage gave a sudden jerk, and I felt myself lowering.

"Oh no oh no what do we do oh gosh why." I started to panic. How would we get out? Winger tried to pick the lock on the cage, but to no avail.

"Winger megablast it!" I yelled.

"I can't! I might end up megablasting us into the lava!" He yelled back.

"Well we're going to be smelted anyway! At least try to megablast the lock off!" He looked at me with a desperate look in his eyes.

"Ok." He said at last. He readied himself and told me to step back. The cage has halfway to the lava now.

"And if we don't make it out... I want you to know that I love you." Winger said. I felt myself heat up. Did he just say that?!

"Winger, I-" he shot his megablast, blowing the lock to smithereens.

The door flung open. But the cage dropped off of the chain that was lowering it. Winger dashed out but I hit my head, still inside the quickly descending cage. Before I could get up, everything went black.

Here's the Primal Aquabeast:

Here's the Primal Aquabeast:

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The Dragon's Heart (A SummerXWinger story)Where stories live. Discover now