He's here

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Winger's P.O.V

The Red Death was flying towards the Roost, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. The Primal Aquabeast was at his side, trying to keep up. I yelled for Dak and Leyla, trying my best to stay calm. But I was failing. They came rushing out, the rest of the team behind them.

"Winger! What's- OH MY NIGHT FURY IS THAT A RED DEATH?!" Leyla screamed.

"Language." Axel said. But when he turned his head toward the incoming danger, his eyes widened and he backed up.

"Summer. Winger. Is that the Red Death that tried to burn you?" Dak asked.

"It's definitely him. And he does not look happy. Get inside everyone, Winger and I will deal with this." Summer said.

"Are you crazy?! That thing will crush you!" Aggro yelled.

"We brought this upon you guys, we should take it away." I told her.

"Aggro is right. We work as a team." Leyla stated. I nodded and looked to Summer. She looked like she wanted to say no, but she agreed with Leyla.

"Alright. But brace yourselves."

The Red Death came closer, eventually landing in front of us.

"Ah, the two lovebirds! I was wondering where you escaped to!" He roared.

"Stay back!" I shouted at him.

"Listen, I'm not here to kill. Yet. You can make this easy." The Red Death said.

"My name is Shredder. I'm here to make a deal." I thought for a minute.

"Ok... what kind of deal?" He smiled cruelly.

"Well you see, nobody escapes me. I will always track you down. I will always find you. I will always kill you." He paused, then continued.

"Of course, now I see that you have more friends. More food. But I will not eat them, under one condition." I glanced at Summer.

"What's the condition?" She said. Shredder looked us dead in the eyes.

"You surrender yourselves. I will leave your village alone today, if you two agree to come with me. If you try to get away, I'll attack your village. If you want to stay, I'll just kill everyone. You know I'm way stronger than you and that I will triumph." He finished proposing his deal.

"So, What will it be?" I looked back at the team.

"Can you give us a moment?" I asked. Shredder looked annoyed.

"Fine. But make it quick, I have places to be." He said.

The team followed me into the Roost. As soon as the door was shut, Everyone started panicking. Dak, Leyla, Cutter, Burple, Aggro and a very confused Axel all started talking at once.

"Uh, guys?" I tried to get their attention. They couldn't hear me. Summer noticed what I was trying to do.

"EVERYONE LISTEN!" She yelled. They all stopped talking and looked at us.

"Ok. I think it's pretty obvious what has to be done." I said.

"Yeah!" Cutter chimed in. "We have to fight!"

"No Cutter, he'll crush us. There's only one safe option." I looked at Summer. She nodded.

"We have to go with Shredder."

Summer's P.O.V

Everyone immediately started talking again.

"PLEASE BE QUIET!" I yelled.

"Ok, one at a time."

"He'll kill you guys!" Dak said.

"I'm not ready to lose my best friend!" Leyla protested.

"We know, but it's the only way to keep you and Huttsgalor safe." Winger said.

"No..." Leyla was shaking her head, on the verge on tears. Dak put his arm around her.

"I'm sorry Leyla." I said.

"I'm sorry everyone. But our minds are made up."

Leyla started sobbing into Dak's shoulder. He started to cry as well.

"Um... what's going on? Why is everyone sad?" Axel asked, sounding very concerned.

"The Red Death... he said he wouldn't attack us if Winger and Summer surrendered to him." Dak explained, trying to hold back tears.

"And... they said they would go." Axel looked surprised.

"But won't he kill them?!" Dak just nodded. Burple ran up and hugged Winger, then me.

"Will we ever see you again?" He asked, tears in his eyes.

"I... I don't think so." Winger said, looking down.

Everyone crowded us in a group hug. Sadness gripped at my heart, knowing it would be the last one I would ever get. When we came out of the Roost, Shredder immediately addressed us.

"So? What's it gonna be?" He asked.

"You win. We're coming with you." Winger said. Shredder's mouth curved into an evil grin.

"There's some smart dragons. They know that I can overpower them. Your family could learn from them, Iggy." He looked down at the Primal Aquabeast, who's name was apparently Iggy. The water dragon looked insulted, sad, and regretful all at the same time.

"Now come along, lovebirds. I don't have all day." Shredder took off into the sky, Iggy right behind him.

"Well... goodbye everyone. Keep Huttsgalor safe for us, ok?" Winger said. Dak tried to hold back his tears.

"O-ok bud." He said with a shaky voice.

Even Axel looked really upset. Winger and I flew up into the air, following Shredder to our deaths. The only sound we heard was the beating of our wings and the sobbing of our friends behind us.

The Dragon's Heart (A SummerXWinger story)Where stories live. Discover now