The Daughter

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I was sitting in my office praying I would be able to finish this paper work before the sun came up. I am the owner of 3 huge companies that have made me a billionaire in the last 20 years of work.

But my success and wealth are not my greatest achievements. My family is. I have 5 sons who are my pride and joy. My wife walked out on the family after my youngest sons were born 16 years ago. Ever since then it's been just me and my boys.

For the last week I had been working overtime to try and get some stuff settled and I missed my kids like hell. They were all teenagers now and couldn't care less if I was home or not but that didn't mean I didn't feel bad about not being there.

I was just finishing up the last of my papers when my phone rang

A: Hello, Arthur Mason here

L: Hello Arthur, This is Lina Scott.

A:I'm sorry I don't think I know a Lina Scott...

L:Oh Arthur don't play dumb. You remember me.

A:I'm sorry but...

L:You know what whatever. We had a one night stand 9 years ago.

A:Oh alright. I had a lot of those back in the day. May I ask why you are calling me now?

L:Well Arthur after our little "interaction" that night. I got pregnant. With your daughter.

A:How do you know she's mine?

L:I did a paternity test. And she's yours

A:Holy shit your joking. That was 9 years ago!

L:No I am not joking. We have a 9 year old daughter together. I am no longer able to care for her and want you to take her.

A:Are you sure she's mine?

L:Of course how stupid do you think I am? So can I send her to you or not?

A:Absolutely. If she is my daughter then I will take custody of her no question.

L:I hoped you would see it that way.

A:But I have a condition

L:I'm listening

A:I want full custody of her and no court battles about it.

L:No problem.

A:Good, accompany her on a train tomorrow at noon. I'll pick her up at the station.


A:Wait one more question. What is her name?

L:Thea Elizabeth Mason

A:It's beautiful

L: Uh sure it is. See you tomorrow

I have a daughter.


I am overjoyed and overwhelmed with the news I've just received. Tomorrow at this time I will have a little girl in my life. I hope the boys will be as elated about this news as I was.

I discarded the rest of my paperwork for the rest of the night and rushed out the door to my car. As I walked into the house I called a meeting "Boys! I'm home! Come into the kitchen!" I called.

My 5 boys are Alex who is 24 and works with me at my company, Hayden is 21 and training to work with me and Alex. Drew is 18 and a senior in high school and the twins Beau and Greyson are 16 and juniors in high school.

As soon as I called the meeting, the twins came barreling into the room

"Dad!" Beau yelled coming over to me.

"Hey bud how ya doin?" I asked him with a smile

Greyson piped up "He got dumped by Hallie." He said laughing at his twin.

Beau made a face at him and turned back to me

"I broke up with her." He insisted

"Okay then." I couldn't help but laugh at the childishness of the pair.

Then Drew came in moody as always and sat at the counter without saying anything

"Hey Drew! My day was great thanks for asking!" I said sarcastically. He looked up and waved solemnly.

Drew was the opposite of the twins who were bubbly and energized. He's been moody and irritable since birth. Literally his scowling in half his baby pictures.

I rolled my eyes at the lack of enthusiasm I got from my middle son and then my oldest 2 Hayden and Alex walk in to see what I had yelled about. I had seen both at the office just a few hours ago so we said a quick hello to one another before I got started on why I called them in here

"So I received an...interesting phone call today."

Alex gave me a look

"What kind of 'interesting' phone call."

He was thinking something bad happened with the business but I quickly put his fears to rest

"Good interesting. Well I think it's good anyway. So it turns out that 9 years ago I...well I made a mistake and had a one night stand with a stranger. It was stupid and irresponsible of me but it turns out the woman I was with that night got pregnant. She called me today and asked if I would take custody of that child. And I said yes."

The boys looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Beau was the first to speak

"That was not what I thought you were gonna say."

All the other boys nodded in agreement

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Hayden asked.

I smiled at that

"It's a girl. Her name is Thea." I looked at the boys shocked faces

"Are you guys okay with all of this?" I asked cautiously. They all nodded

"It'll be a change but not a bad change." Alex said.

He was my sensible one and I knew if he approved the others wouldn't be too far behind

"Yeah, to be honest I've always wanted a little sister." Hayden said with a kind smile.

"When does she get here?" Greyson asked.

He seemed less excited than his twin but not totally upset about it either

"Tomorrow afternoon." The boys nodded and began chatting among themselves.

I had less than 24 hours before my daughter came home. I couldn't wait.

A/N-Hope you like this one too!

Edited 7/25/20

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