Thank You

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I don't know what to say other than thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for making some dark days a little brighter.

You have no idea how much I appreciate each and every person who had taken the time to read my story and follow along with a character that came from my weird brain.

Every time I look at this story and see another vote or another comment it makes me so happy because it means that someone appreciated something I have put so much effort into. So thank you. I'm not the best writer. I don't always get it right. But I'll tell you, I have fun.

This story was so much fun to write. I never wrote a thing down in terms of a plan and every chapter is completely winged but that just makes it more fun in my opinion. It unpredictable at times. It's a little scary at times. Much like my brain lol. I will be editing this majorly in coming months so I promise it will be better sometime soon. So this whole spiel is to say thank you. So Thank you.

Sincerely your local author.

Side note: How do we feel about a sequel?

Edited 7/27/20

Battle Scars|✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora