The Ice Cream

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The next weekend after my birthday Dad and Alex are away on business so that means Hayden is in charge. 

I woke up on Saturday feeling good. I love waking up early before all the chaos starts and usually it's the only time I get to pick what we watch (unless I watch with Dad or Alex who always let me pick). But today I felt like sitting outside to enjoy the nice weather so,  I grabbed the book Abbey had given me and sat out on the porch swing. It was the first edition of Harry Potter  and even though my reading level was lower than those of my peers, I enjoyed the magic world J.K. Rowling created. 

After a while I went back inside and found a more chaotic scene than normal. 

"Where could she be?!" I heard Grey yell from somewhere in the house. "I have no clue!" Came Hayden's panicked response. I was about to yell that I was in the kitchen when Beau came running in.

 Immediately I was pulled into a bone crushing hug "Where the hell were you?!" He asked angrily. His tone reminded me of Greg and sent my mind reeling with memories "Thea!" He demanded with the same anger. I flinched away instinctively and Beaus grip on my arms loosened. I pulled away from him in fear "Thea..." He mumbled with guilt in his voice. Not waiting for him to continue I ran out of the room and made a beeline for the stairs. 

When I reached the top, I crashed into a hard stomach almost tumbling back down the stairs but an arm snaked around my waist keeping me from a painful fall "Thea where were you?" Hayden asked kneeling down in front of me. I ignored him and pushed his arms off of me "Woah woah what's the matter baby?" I finally ripped myself from his grasp and made it to my room.

I sat behind the door and listened to the conversation I could hear going on "What happened?" Hayden asked who I assumed was Beau "I found her and got mad, but I scared her and now I feel awful." He said sounding drained and sad "Oh god." Hayden mumbled. A banging on my door made me jump "Thea come out baby. Beau didn't mean to scare you. He's sorry." Hayden pleaded. 

Not wanting Hayden to be upset, I slowly opened the door and sighed in relief when I saw it was just him waiting for me "Hey sweet girl, you alright?" He pulled me into a gentle hug like he was afraid I would pull away but I squeezed him with all my strength to make sure he knew I wasn't angry at him. I was only mad at Beau."I'm okay Hayd." I mumbled into his shoulder. He pulled away slightly and smiled "Beaus real sorry. He didn't mean to scare you baby." I frowned "I'm still mad at him." I stated firmly. Hayden sighed but nodded. 

He lifted me up and carried me down the stairs "Thee, if you're going outside or anywhere we won't automatically know where you are, please please please come and tell one of us. It's alright if you wake us up." He practically begs me. A wave of guilt swallows me "I'm sorry." I apologize. His face softens "It's okay baby. We just want to make sure you're safe." Hayden's face breaks into a goofy grin "After all, you are our special little girl." He flipped me upside down so my head was dangling feet away from the floor "Hayden!" I screeched through my giggles "What? You don't like this?" He teased poking my side, making my giggles increase ten fold "Stop!" I beg weakly. 

He laughs and finally sets me back on my feet. My smile drops when I see Beau sitting at the table "Thea I'm really sorry kiddo. I didn't mean to make you upset." He seemed sincere but I was not about to forgive him so easy. I ignored him and went to Drew who put an arm around my shoulders "Just give her time dude. She'll forgive you soon." I wouldn't be so sure about that Drew. I can hold a grudge. I think. I've never actually tried to stay mad at anyone. 

The rest of the day I refused to talk to Beau and every time he tried to talk to me, I would turn the other way to make my point very clear. 

I was supposed to go to Beau and Drew football game but after some begging, Hayden agreed to let Ricky come over and play with me while they were at the game. "Ricky!" I yelled when I saw him in the kitchen. Since the first time I met the Hart family, I had seen Ricky a few times cause him and Alex are best friends. 

Their Mom was mean but the kids were very nice and always played with me when they came over. "Hey honey!" He swung me into the air eliciting a string of giggles from me. "Thee are you gonna be good for Ricky?" Hayden asked giving me a stern look. I nodded "I'm always good." Getting in trouble was a rare thing for me. 

Call me a people pleaser but I hate to see anyone upset because of something I did. Unless of course if you're Beau and being a meanie then I have no problem making him upset "That's true. You are my little angel." Hayden pinched me cheek and I recoiled in an attempt to make him stop. 

"Well we should get going." He kissed my forehead reminding me to be good and Grey and Drew did the same. When Beau came to say goodbye I ignored him and turned away. He sighed sounding sad but I had to remind myself that he was mean and should feel bad. As soon as the boys were gone, me and Ricky started watching Tangled. 

"Hey Thee, I heard about what happened between you and Beau this morning." Ricky said half way through the movie. I shrugged not wanting to talk about it. I kept my attention on the movie but I could feel Ricky watching me "Hey, wanna go get some ice cream." Now that got my attention. I nodded fiercely already loving the idea of a treat. Ricky smiled at me "Lets go then little monkey." I didn't have to be told twice before jumping up and pulling my sneakers on. 

I was practically bouncing the whole drive to the ice cream "I see you're excited." Ricky chuckled. We went inside and I got strawberry ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and a cherry. The best ice cream cone one can get. When I was done ordering Ricky told me to got outside and wait for him to use the bathroom. 

I was sitting on a bench in the back of the store where the car was parked enjoying my ice cream when a man came right next to me. 

I stood up to go inside but he caught me in an instant "You won't get away so easily princess." He put a cloth over my mouth and despite my attempts to get away he held firm. Slowly my flailing limbs grew weak and my eyes felt heavy 

"Sweet dreams princess." Was the last thing I heard before I succumbed to darkness.

A/N-Dun dun dun! Sorry for the cliffhanger. Just kidding I'm not sorry (The evil author laughs manically) Will Thea be okay? Where will she go? Are Alice and Greg behind this or is it someone else who wants to hurt our dear little Thea? 

Also I just published a new story called Princess and would really really love if you would go check it out. Here's the description: The Farrington Family is the most powerful in the country. It's one of the perks of being the royal family of Aesterian. 11 years ago the youngest member of royalty was kidnapped in the dead of night leaving the family broken. Adeline Evans had lived with her adoptive parents for all 11 years of her life. When the unexpected happens, Addie is thrown into a world of siblings servants and media. Be careful what you wish for, for it may not be what you had in mind.

It's another brother and sister story but I really hope you'll give it a chance. 

Nevertheless she persisted will be updated most likely tomorrow or Tuesday so be on the lookout for that as well. Happy Reading!

Edited 7/27/20

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