tell us about yourself

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I just realized that about half-way through the introduction I started referring to myself in the plural. Oh well, guess I'm Gollum now. I can't even say I am upset about this development.

 I can't even say I am upset about this development

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Aaanyways...  getting back to business: before we get into the fun stuff, I figured we should probably just get a rough idea who people are. Obviously, below is a template, and you should feel free to add or take away any questions you want. 

Please Tag anyone who you think would enjoy this or want to join in! There is no obligation to write the prompts I post even if you fill out the form below, so, please do take part if you want to!



Favourite book:

Favourite character (doesn't have to be from the same book):

Biggest pet peeve:

A favourite sentence or two you have written:

Favourite song:

If you could live anywhere where would you choose?

If you came with a warning label, what would yours say?

If you could talk to any person (real or fictional, dead or alive) who would it be?

Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?


I will put up the first prompt on Monday, so stay tuned!

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