Conversation Starter #1

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What would Tolkien's characters be doing if they were stuck in quarantine? 

Please comment and add to this, I'd love to see your takes on any Tolkien character and their Quarantine activities!


Here's my take for the house of Fëanor (because we all know that's who I'm here for):

Fëanor: What.... what are you doing?

Maedhros: *slightly panicked* What? Me? Oh.... definitely not teaching Celegorm's eagle to fly letters to Fingon. Not me. Nope! *hysterical laughter*

Fëanor: Okay... this seems suspicious, but okay.


Curufin: *enjoying a nice quiet day alone in the forge*

Celegorm: *runs into the room flapping his arms and screeching*

Curufin: No. Leave. I did not sign up for this.

Celegorm: *indignant* But its a Pterodactyl!

Curufin: I do not care. Out.

Celegorm: *runs out of the room still making aggressive pterodactyl noises*


Celegorm: *on the phone with Aredhel*

Aredhel: Hang on... is someone screaming?

Celegorm: oh yeah, that's Caranthir. He started two days ago when he realized the economy is going down the drain and he hasn't stopped since.


Aredhel: oh.


Maedhros: Hey Mags, you still alive in there?

Maglor: *has locked himself into his room, sobbing* no one cares about my music anymore

Maedhros: okay, first off, we're not allowed to leave the house. How would you possibly perform anything, and second, just because your concerts were cancelled doesn't mean that they won't be rescheduled.

Maglor: *cries in violin*


Nerdanel: okay, who glued a pair of boots to the ceiling?

Amrod: Oh... that wasn't me.

Amras: Yes it was.

Amrod: No. Absolutely not. I would never. We all know I'm the responsible twin.

Nerdanel: I don't care which of you it was, why is there a pair of boots glued to the ceiling?

Amras: Well, you see, we thought it would be a good idea to try to walk on the ceiling

Amrod: so we figured you would need something pretty sticky to keep yourself up there

Amras: Turns out, we forgot to tie the boots, so instead of staying stuck to the ceiling he fell and has a concussion.

Nerdanel: Oh Valar. Okay, what did we learn from this?

Amrod: Tie the boots first.

Amras: Don't let Moryo throw you onto the ceiling feet first.

Amrod: Next time, we should try it with boots on our hands too.

Nerdanel: *judging all her life choices* how about 'we don't need to try to walk on the ceiling?'

Both: But we do.

If any of you have not seen the Tumblr account Fëanor in Quarantine, I highly recommend it. Top-quality humour and a 100% worthwhile pastime during the hours I have spent doing nothing in on my bed.

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