Prompt # 2 -- Holidays

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Hey guys, welcome to week 2 (well, for me it's week 4, but who's counting)! I hope your all still alive and doing well and not pulling out any hair over being stuck indoors. Okay, this week's prompt is pretty different from last week's, it's a lot more open-ended and --to be honest-- a little self-indulgent because this is what I want to write right now. Anyways, here it is:

Write a holiday scene between any number of characters from any Tolkien book (see: open-ended). the only constraints I have here is that there should be a logical explanation as to why they are spending the holiday together. It can be a holiday that we in the 21st century celebrate, or you can do a little research on a holiday that your characters might actually have celebrated (I know for elves there is a celebration to mark each of the seasons as well as one honouring each of the Valar, though the Noldor may or may not have actually celebrated the later while in exile). 

This is basically just an excuse to write some festive interaction between characters because we all know that the holidays (as fun as they might be) can also be a time when family tensions run pretty high. I myself have been told at least four times a year to "shut up and stop talking about politics because if you're not careful you will start a war and then your cousins will never talk to you again."

...Maybe that's why I have never met that one uncle...

Wow, that got off-topic. Go enjoy writing and stop listening to me rant about my crazy dysfunctional family! I can wait to read all your stories!

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