Chapter 27

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I've been lounging by the pool all day with Cassidy and Ella. I needed this. It has been so nice to relax and talk about everything and nothing. I missed them. I missed Ella a lot. I don't get to see her too often.

I think about school a lot. I like my classes and the friends I've made. I like my professors and the teaching curriculum comes easier to me then subjects did in high school. I would say everything is going really well, but then my heart burns and I remember everything all over again.

There are blissful moments in the day where I forget what's going on with the guys because I'm distracted or busy. The betrayal I feel is numbed for a few moments until my conscious comes back and I'm reminded. Cassidy, Carter and Ella have done nothing but validate my feelings and show understanding for why I'm acting like such a brat. They didn't even judge me when I ate an entire pint of ice cream last night while I baked a dozen cupcakes and then ate half of those. Cassidy just reminded me to brush my teeth and helped me frost.

Carter invited the boys' families over for dinner tonight. I'm not sure why he was even with them yesterday and I was irritated when he told me, but he just mumbled something about justice. I didn't appreciate him inviting them over without asking me, but he said their parents asked about me and it's not fair they don't get to see their favorite child while she's in town for such a short time. I thought about it, then agreed, I am their favorite and they must miss me.

I'm still lounging in my pool chair when I hear the first knock on the front door. It's weird to hear one of them knock instead of just coming through the side gate. I told myself I didn't care that they were coming, but I made Cassidy braid my hair in french braids so it wasn't a total mess and I changed into a sexy two piece red bikini with red sequins covering the breasts. Ella just raised her eyebrow out me and I flipped her off.

Trevor is the first one through the back door and he immediately makes eye contact with me. I'm out of my chair and across the lawn before I can second guess it. The bronze skin not covered in a tshirt and swim trunks is dotted with bruises in varying shades of purple, green and yellow. I look up to question him and see his eyes are firmly planted to my boobs. I punch him in his right shoulder and he yelps in pain.

"Ouch." He groans.

"What the fuck happened?" I snap, now more angry that he's hurt.

"Justice." Carter says from where he's standing a few feet behind us. I stare at him incredulously.

"You're fucking joking?" I ask a little too high pitched. Carter's face breaks out into a smile and he walks back in the house. I look back at Trevor to see him smiling down at me.

"What the fuck are you smiling about?"

"Language baby, language." He chastises me.

I glare at him letting him know I'm not in the mood for jokes or pet names. As I turn to walk away he grabs my arm gently.

"Carter took us paint balling. We are fine it doesn't even really hurt..unless apparently someone punches where I took a hit, but you can punch me as many times as you want as long as you're touching me in some way."

I look up to see his sad expression and my heart gives a steady throb. He's so handsome. I want to cuddle into his chest and forgive him. I want him to take me back to school so we can continue what we started, but I can't. I can't think past the hurt right now. I can't see our future past this. He's got both of my hands in his as he looks down at me.

"I'm sorry a thousand times baby. Knowing I'm the reason that sad look is on your beautiful face is going to haunt me."

He puts his forehead to mine and takes a deep breath. I'm trying not to cry when I hear a shuffle behind him. I turn my head to see his Mama trying to sneak back in the house.

"Mama!" She turns and walks back out.

"I'm sorry sweet girl I didn't mean to interrupt, I was excited to see you!"

I smile big and leave Trevor's arms reluctantly. She sweeps me up in a big hug.

"You are never interrupting. I was just looking over Trevor's battle scars."

We both giggle at his expense and when she turns to him he's got a smile on his face. We call Trevor's Mom "Mama" and the twins' Mom "Ma." These women didn't hesitate to take me in and spoil me when the boys showed up with me in tow as a tiny hellion. Mama helped me learn how to bake. She has 8 kids in total and 3 husbands. The house was always crazy full, but she somehow always made time for me.

The Twins' are the only children in their family and she only has one husband. She took a special liking to me because she said she always wanted a girl. She always surprised me with sparkly dresses, shoes, jewelry, lotions and perfumes for every birthday and holiday. As I think of her she rushes out the back door and practically rips me away from Trevor's mom.

"My turn!" She screams as Mama laughs and heads inside asking if Carter needs any help with the food.

"I missed you my girl. I'm so sorry my boys hurt you." She huffs and I can't help but smile at her tone. "You know you're my favorite. Just say the word and I'll get rid of them." She pulls back to smile at me and I hear Bash,

"MA, we've talked about this, you can't just sell us off like cattle!"

"Watch me!" She screams back and then follows Mama inside giggling. I have a feeling they are trying to give the boys' privacy to talk to me and it's annoying.

"Angel." Liam says while kissing his spot on my head.

"Beautiful girl." Bash follows right behind his brother kissing the same spot. I exhale and my shoulder slump.


Liam looks offended. He holds a hand to his heart, "No handsome for me?"

I ignore his comment. When he lifts his hand I see the bruises dotting his arms just like Trevor. I look over to see Bash fairs the same. Their legs also show some bruising.

"You guys look like shit."

"We're fine babe, it tickles if anything." Bash winks at me as he rips his shirt off. "Let's go swim. I've missed you horribly and I don't care if you hate me I just need to be near you. You can glare at me from the side of the pool while I swim laps and show you my muscles."

I give an exasperated sigh, but a small smile sneaks out. Until I look at his abdomen and see a giant dark purple bruise to the right of his stomach. Instinct takes over and I put my hand on the bruise feeling his pain like it's my own. Bash holds my hand to his stomach with both of his. His skin is warm and soft. I want to crawl into my bashful boy's arms and let him make me feel better.

"I'm fine babe I promise. We deserved worse, but if you want to touch all of my booboos I have some in private places I can show you in your room." That gets a giggle out of me and I wrench my hand back. Liam rips his shirt off and throws it and says,

"I have bigger bruises, touch mine first."

"Fuck the both of you I have bruises on my nut sack. My actual sack. I win." Trevor whines.

"Well I'm not touching any of you again so you can tend to your own injuries." I snark back.

I realize my tone was a little harsher then it could have been, but the moment where I was distracted and forgot about the pain is over. They distracted me, but the pain is back and my chest constricts thinking about the naked chests in front of me and all the grubby bitches' hands who have been on them. I turn to go back to my pool chair and hide the rest of the night.

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