Chapter 31

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Liam is cradling me to his chest with my head tucked under his chin. I hear Bash scrambling behind us to catch up so I allow Liam's cuddle for a moment longer. He smells so good. I inhale deeply and a rumble comes from his chest. He's so warm and comfy I just want to let him carry me around like this all day. I come to my senses when Bash catches up to us. I push Liam's chest so he sets me on the ground.

"What the fuck?!" It's a half screech, half bark. "You can't do shit like that!" I push his chest.

"You can't try to kill people in fucking coffee shops because they show an interest in me!" I smack his hand away that's reaching for my hair that's come loose from my pony tail.

"You can't keep trying to kill people!" That one was definitely a screech. Bash is standing sentinel next to his brother, appearing to support his choices.

"And you!" I poke his chest next to the strap of my pink backpack hanging over his shoulder. "You were no better, you were going to let it happen!"

"I was not. I was going to stop it before Jay's orthodontist needed to get involved."

"What?!" I yelp. "My room, now." I reply exasperated.

Liam tries to talk to me a couple times while we walk, but I don't allow him to get a word out. Once we get to my room and the door is shut I let him explain.

"I'm sorry angel. It was an out of body experience I swear to god." He looks serious...possession is his excuse?

"I told myself I would be okay if you found others, but I saw him sitting across from you and I panicked. It would have been fine if he didn't make that bitch ass comment. I promise I wasn't going to kill him, just some bruising." He holds his hand up in a placating gesture.

"I love you Mia. I can't leave you. I can't even leave you alone at this point. I'm sorry. I thought I could handle you seeing another man-Trevor's dads and Carter said we needed to be prepared for the possibility of you wanting others. It just hurt more then I thought it would. It took me by surprise and I reacted to the pain. Please forgive me." He looks broken. He looks so sad and dejected. It make's my heart burn in reaction to his pain. I can't watch this.

"Come sit with me." I'm sitting on my bed sideways, against the wall it's pushed against. There's plenty of room for a giant twin on each side so I look to Bash and pat the side opposite his brother is taking. They both grab my hands to hold them. I think it was instinctual, I don't think they even meant too.

"I don't want anyone else. I don't plan to seek any other males. I am not ready to sign or do anything, but I can promise, there isn't anyone else. Okay?" I sigh and I get twin sighs in return.

"Thank you lover, we needed to hear that. This is.. hard for us. We are unsure about where to go from here. You always kind of guided us, I guess? We don't know up from down at this point. We just wander around doing our jobs and school work, but not really going anywhere. If that makes any sense."

I lay my head on his shoulder. I do understand. That's how I feel, it's actually a great way to explain it. I crack. I'm tired, but a bone deep aching kind of tired. I'm lonely and I just want to feel good for a moment.

"Will you cuddle me?" I whisper. I don't have to wait long before my twins maneuver around the bed, picking me up and placing me in between them. The three of us are laying now and squeezed into my full sized bed. I'm really just laying on them as they lay on the bed. It's perfect. I tuck my head into Bash's throat and grip Liam's arm at my chest as he crushes me too him from behind. I take a big breath, the first one I've taken in weeks, and let their warmth lull me to sleep.

I wake to my door shutting and whispered voices. I know it's Trevor. I keep my eyes closed.

"What..." His voice trails off as he takes in our position.
"I'm really fucking happy to see this, but what happened? Is she okay?"

I feel him lean over Bash to kiss my head. He tucks hair behind my ear and I feel his sweet breath on my face.

"It's a long story. The gist of it.. she was having coffee with a uhh male friend." Trevor grunts and Bash continues..

"The guy thought it was a date, but Mia thought it was two friends hanging out. The guy made a shitty comment and Liam almost sent him to the orthodontist. Mia wrangled him and we were able to escape without jail time. She said that she wasn't interested in anyone else but us and asked if we would cuddle. So here we are. She's been asleep for two hours."

Trevor exhales. "There weren't even guards downstairs. It was weird, but I'm not going to knock a gift, so I get to stay all night and no one will know I'm here."

"If she allows it." Liam replies

"Baby, can I stay?" He knew I was awake. I giggle and peek my eyes open.

"Yes, but you'll have to hide during rounds. Won't they notice you didn't check in at your dorm though?"

Bash chuckles. "They don't ever know where anyone is. Our attendant leaves pretty early and then no one is there to see who comes or goes."

"SO sexist! Ugh!" I throw my head into Bash's chest.

"I'm going to get us dinner. Be back in a bit." Liam kisses my head and skips out of the door, appearing to be in a great mood.

This feels so normal. Liam brings us back pizzas and we pile onto my pink fuzzy rug while I force them to sit through shitty reality tv. They are constantly touching me and whispering cute things in my ear. I missed the attention. I feel like a starved woman and I need them to feed me a steady line of compliments, kisses and cuddles so I can return to normal. No one tries to kiss me and I'm struggling between being disappointed and being pleased they aren't trying to push.

I miss them so much that I'm willing to just let myself have this one night. This one night of normal. It helps and I feel a bit more myself again.

The twins leave with matching kisses to my head and Trevor lounges on my bed while I finish home work and shower. He hides in the shower for rounds and the guard comes and leaves with no issue. We cuddle into my bed and I'm starting to drift into sleep when I hear another knock at the door.

Bestie BoysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora