Chapter 20

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I'm dancing around the room to the music in my head phones while I pack my over night bag. I'm so excited to spend the weekend away with my boys. They planned every detail and it sounds romantic and perfect. I'm nervous we are finally going to have sex, but also relieved and excited. I want to be bound to them in this way and if I'm being honest I just want to have sex!

Every time I see them the tension gets hotter. They have been so patient and not once has one of them brought up the topic. Trevor and I were having sexy time the other night when I brought it up to him. He talked it through with me and never made me feel rushed about the decision. He said if I was ready then they were, but if I wasn't, waiting wasn't an issue. His response cemented my decision. I was doing this.. well I was doing them.

Liam took some of my friends and I to the mall a couple weeks ago. He patiently stalked us through each store and held my bags. When we went into a store for women's intimate apparel he waited outside. I bought new panties and sets and the boys have really enjoyed them. I also bought a really sexy little gown with barely there panties and it's practically see through.

The girls encouraged me and voted "hell yes" after I tried it on and showed them. We sat and had lunch while Bash met Liam and they ate away from us to give me some girl time. They have been doing that more frequently lately without even being asked and it has been much appreciated. The girls have given me the ins and outs of males and sex and I feel much more prepared after they shared their experiences with me. They usually fawn over my males and tell me how lucky I am. I always just sigh and say "I know" and oogle my boys with them.

I pack the nighty in my bag under my clothes so none of the boys come across it before I'm ready for them too. I'm throwing my athletic clothes on top when the boys knock. I've got my bags in hand and I'm bounding out the door in excitement. I squeal when I throw the door open to find all three waiting for me with big smiles. I throw my bag at Liam who grunts, but catches it and then throw myself at Bash who oomphs, but catches too. I giggle and kiss all over his face before Liam says,

"My turn." He throws my overnight bag at Trevor's stomach, who then groans and bends over like he got hit with a boulder.

"Baby, what did you pack we are going to be gone for one night."

Liam steals me from his brother and I reward his theft with kisses. His forearms are under my butt and my chest is pressed to his when he deepens the kiss. I pull back and turn to Trevor who has inched closer demanding his hello. I lean forward and give him a firm kiss before I pull back and scream,

"Let's go handsomes!"

On the way to the car I see Drew a few buildings over. He's leaning against the wall smoking and he's already spotted me by the time I glance his way. He smiles at me and goose bumps erupt on my arms. I haven't seen him since the incident. I saw zookeeper one night when he busted Liam and I for kissing in his truck, but I'm pretty sure he only picked on us because of the incident and not because we were breaking any rules. They called Carter and he was pissed they felt the need to call home about some kissing with a male who is known to be mine. Carter agreed the situation was off.

The drive is only two hours and I cuddle Trevor in the back seat while Bash drives us. The hotel is in a gorgeous little town surrounded by mountains. We are going to eat at quaint little restaurants overlooking mountain views and hit a couple hiking trails over the two days. We are also going to have much needed alone time to see to some unfinished business.

I day dream as we drive about this future with my boys. More trips and adventures and much more sexy time. I'm relaxed and the nerves about tonight are slowly slipping away. These are my guys, they would never let this night be anything other then perfect.

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