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Lucas was released on bail last night which meant that tonight was the perfect night to move forward and do the plan. Over the last few days, Kaylie had made the most airtight plan possible so if it doesn't work then I'll be shocked.

Right now I'm on my way to a little thrift shop beside the diner Kaylie works at.

The shop itself-The Time Warp Boutique-was run by a hippie man in his thirties. Stepping into the shop is like taking a step into a time portal. The shop is something straight out of a seventies fever dream (something my grandmother would have loved), with its black-and-white checked floors and ti-dye wallpaper.

Rain sat behind the counter like always, a half eaten bag of Cheetos laying on the glass counter top. "Hello, Miss Rose, what can I do for you today?" He asked, his southern accent messing up the whole Shaggy Rogers vibe he had going.

I smiled a little. "Rain, honey, I think someone is following me." I pointed my thumb back toward the door where a man in a black hoodie stood on the sidewalk. "I think it might be Lucas."

Rain gave the man a once over before nodding slowly. "Very suspicious character. About the right height for the Xavier boy." He stated. "What can I do to help, Miss Rose?"

"Could I possibly sneak out the back way?" I asked hopeful.

"You got it just don't tell my parents." Rain commented, his parents owned the store and passed it on to him when they got too old.

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks." I made my way for the back. "Oh and if anyone comes in here asking about me make sure to tell them you saw me."

"You got it, Miss Rose."

I made my way out the back entrance. Another good thing about The Time Warp Boutique was that their security cameras haven't worked in years.

I sat down against the wall, and tapped on my phone. I check the time: 6:03. Perfect. I quickly called Esme.

"What do you want, Elena?" Esme's annoying ratty voice rang through the tiny speaker.

"Esme, the babysitter just called to tell me that Evie is fussing and has spiked a fever." I tried to sound concerned and scared. "You could be there faster than me. Can you pleas go check on her? I'm sure all she needs is calmed down."

There was a long pause on her end. "Fine I guess, but it better not take too long because we just started Twilight." She snapped. "God you're useless."

"Thank you, Esme." I hung up the phone and walked into the diner through the back way.

Kaylie met me at the back entrance. "You call her?"

I nodded. "She's on her way." I handed Kaylie my phone.

"Don't mess up my perfect plan, El."

"I will." I smiled as JJ's truck pulled into the alley. "I'll see you in a few, babe."


"Hey, Esme, could you help me get something for Elliot out of the basement before you leave?" I asked, standing at the back door.

See the babysitter already saw Esme leave so she could vouch that Esme left at exactly 6:15 which would place her in the woods behind the school at no later than 7:30 the exact time she would be in the heart of the woods to return to her friends house. The time of death

Esme groaned, sluggishly walking back into the house.

She went first down the basement stairs to where JJ had laid out the tarp so no blood got on the floor.

Esme bent down to pick up the tarp. "This what you wanted help with?"

JJ grinned from the corner. "Hello, Esme, pleasure to finally meet you." He seemed so polite and sweet, but he wasn't in the least.

I locked the basement door then met them on the ground.

My little sister gave him a strange look. "Who are you?"

JJ dragged over a chair and gently pushed her back into it, seeing as he was a lot stronger than her. "Please do sit and stay awhile."

"Since you're going to be dead in a matter of minutes I guess I'll tell you what's going on." I crouched in front of the chair.

JJ picked up one of his knives so she would be too afraid to get out of the chair.

"Elena, what's going on?" Esme almost looked scared.

I explained everything to her from meeting JJ in the bathroom to now having to get rid of her because she talked too much.

"I knew you did it!" She growled at me.

"I know. Good job, and goodbye, Esme." I stood back up. "Well I have to go." I turned to JJ. "Have fun baby." I blew him a kiss and left.


Kaylie giggled at something a co-worker said as she slid into the booth beside me. "Everything go good?" She picked up one of my fries, popping it into her mouth.

"As far as I know." I took my phone from her. "Picture time?"

She checked the time on the clock behind us. "Yep good as ever."

We took a couple pictures before eating.

Once we got home, I spoke to the babysitter and paid her.

Kaylie did a sweep of the basement to find it spotless of anything incriminating.

Once the photo was posted, we put on a movie.

"Are you going to call him?" She asked.

I shook my head. "He'll call me in the morning and we're figure it out then." I told. "He would have called by now if something went wrong."

Thank you to my amazing friend Milheaven for editing Lilia's hair to make it Elena.

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