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I had thought I could go through with something last night, but the closer it got the more I realized I didn't want it. Something about that little notebook and Alby's words kept nagging at my mind. 

I was so torn on the inside that I wasn't sure who to believe, but I hoped JJ trusted me enough to to tell me about any skeletons that were buried in the closet. Obviously I was wrong. 

"Babe, can we talk a second?" I asked, leaning in the doorway to Evie's nursery. 

JJ looked up from the block tower they were building and shot me a toothy grin. "Of course we can." He said. "Is everything okay, Princess?" 

I waited until he was completely out of the room before shutting the door and turning to him. "Did you kill Kyle?" I asked bluntly. 

"Lena, you're being ridiculous." He said in an almost scolding tone like he was getting onto a lying child.

I shook my head. "Answer the question." I said sternly.

JJ looked down at his sneakers in embarrassment. "Kyle didn't want to live anymore after what happened between him and your sister, but he wasn't strong enough to do it himself so he asked if I would help. What else could I do, Elena, he was my brother and in pain?" He slowly looked up, his green eyes darkened in a mix of pain and sadness. "So I helped him get the job done." 

My heart broke a little as he talked. Reaching up a hand, I slowly wiped the tear from his cheek. "My parents are going to be home in an hour so I think you should go now." I said then started down the stairs. 

JJ caught my hand, sharply pulling me back against him. "Don't be upset with me, Baby girl." He kissed my hand. "I love you so much and can't stand the thought that you're mad at me." 

I smiled. "I love you too, J, but my parents have a strict no boys while they're gone so you should really go." I told, laying a hand on the wooden banister for stability. 

"You got it." He said with a smile. "See you tonight?"

"Yep sure." I watched as he walked away before pulling out my phone to call the gang over.

My parents would be in around ten tonight which meant they were closer to coming home in seven hours than one, but I needed him gone to think. 


"So let me get this straight; I go away for two months on tour and during these two months you manage to get caught up in the middle of a psychopath's murderous web?" Alby asked, running a hand through his dark, short hair. "Oh and then you bring sweet little Kaylie in on it?" 

"Pretty much." I sighed. "I never meant for this to happen I just thought he was a good guy who did something bad." 

"When does anyone good person accidentally kill two girls and his own brother." Lizzy sarcastically replied. 

I knew they were being logical, but I loved JJ. So what if he murdered those people. He had a good reason for what he did I'm sure. 

"Elena, you know I'm all for this little romance of yours, but Lizzy is right." Kaylie chimed in. "This dude is dangerous." 

I tossed the little notebook at Lizzy. "Take that I don't want it." I stated. "Just because you think he killed Kyle doesn't mean he did. You don't really know what happened." 

"And you do, L?" The pretty brunette argued. 

Slipping on my sneakers, I nodded. "Yes, I do." I stood, grabbing my purse. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet JJ." 

Alby gave me a long sad look. "Don't do this, Lena, you're so much better than him so don't let him drag you down."

I scoffed. "No one is any better than anyone else. That's one thing all this has taught me."


The sky had finally faded into darkness, but neither of us cared. It was just nice to lay together in the peace and quiet at the lake. JJ was absentmindedly playing with my hair, curling and uncurling different pieces, while I listened to his heart beat.

"You're going to put me to sleep." I confessed, covering a yawn. 

He tenderly kissed my head. "That would be fine with me." He whispered. "I just love to hold you." 

"I love when you hold me." I leaned up and connected our lips in a sweet kiss. 

The kiss was short lived by the distant sound of sirens in the air. 

"Where is that?" I mumbled against his lips. 

"Who cares." JJ shrugged a shoulder then kissed me again.

The sirens suddenly became louder until they reached their max sound right here at the lake.

JJ sat up, his eyes locking on the cop cars. 

"What's going on, JJ?" I asked, anxiety creeping into my tone. 

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my head. "You'll be okay, princess, I promise." He vowed. 

One of the cops stepped out of the car followed by three others-two of which had their guns trained on us. 

"I'm scared." I breathed. 

JJ smiled a little. "It's okay." 

"Jeremiah Joseph Brooks, you're under arrest for the murders of Evangeline and Esme Rose." The first cop said as the second one jerked JJ to his feet roughly. "Everything you say can and will be used against you, kid." 

I stood and crossed my arms. "You can't do this." I protested. "What's your evidence?"

JJ shook his head. "It's okay, Elena, everything is going to be fine." He gave me that signature JJ grin that made the whole world better. 

I kissed his cheek then stepped back again. "You guys better pray you get this sorted out quickly." I said to the first cop while the other loaded JJ into the car. 

"Whatever you say, Miss Rose." The cop chuckled before heading back to the cop.

I locked eyes with JJ in the backseat and flipped the cop off. "Go fall of a cliff." 

JJ shook his head and grinned. I could see his lips move in what could have been only to say 'that's my girl'

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