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In no time we arrived a the slaughter house and were making our way to the main office. Kaylie complained because was yet again stuck with the cooler, but Lizzy quickly shut her up. 

The office administrator looked very confused at the fact three teenage girls with a red cooler and no appointment had just strutted into his office like they owned the place. 

Kaylie dropped the cooler down onto his desk then looked at me. 

"This was left on my doorstep this morning and I would assume that it came from one of your sheep." I said coldly. "So I suggest you look really hard at it before saying no because I would hate to have to inform my daddy that one of the places he owns is slipping on the job." 

His eyes widened. "Miss Rose, I assure you there's an explanation for all of this." He opened the cooler and wrinkled his nose. 

I glanced at his name plate before rolling my eyes. "Listen, Mr. Harbour, I don't think explanations will cut it with my daddy so do you think maybe you could find the fool who did this and I don't know have him committed?" I said sarcastically, tossing my hair back. 

Lizzy tried to hold back a grin. It was very rare that I played up the spoiled rich girl card, but when I do my friends absolutely go nuts. 

Mr. Harbour sat up a little straighter in his chair. "Yes, Miss Rose, right away." He started ferociously typing into his computer. 

Kaylie was looking at the liver a intently. "Excuse me, Mr. Harbour, I need to borrow this." She plucked a pen from his desk and stabbed into the liver at one corner. 

"What the heck, K!" Lizzy shouted. 

Kaylie pulled a bloody paper from the inside of the liver. "There was a cut." She looked around before noticing the poor man's suit jacket. "May I?" She asked. 

"Yeah, sure, anything you want." Mr. Harbour said, not paying any attention to my brunette best friend. 

Kaylie used his suit jacket to wipe the blood from the paper and held it to the light. "I know what you did, and believe me you won't get away with it." She read aloud. "It's signed with the name Bystander." 

I shook my head. "This is getting Pretty Little Liars all the sudden."

Lizzy took the note and shoved it into the pocket of her jeans-obviously not scared of the blood-then wiped her hands on the suit jacket as well. "Yeah well, Allison, how are we going to get our way out of this one?" 

I rolled my eyes at her and stuck out my tongue. "So you got anything yet? I have a nail appointment at two that I would like to make."

Mr. Harbour regarded his suit jacket and then us. "I have two names."


"So I think I should call JJ now." I said once we were back on the road. "I mean this is pretty big news." 

Lizzy-who had been studying the note the whole ride-popped her head up at the mention of his name. "JJ? As in JJ Brooks?" 

I nodded, turning in my chair to look back at her. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "You know him?" 

"That boy is a psychopath he killed our neighbor's dog when we where kids. He dropped the dog down the well while we played hide and seek so the poor pup could play with us." Lizzy recanted. "He's my next door neighbor." 

"I'm sure it was a silly mistake." I defended. "JJ wouldn't do that." 

Kaylie bobbed her head from the driver's seat. "He's crazy nice, Liz, just give him a chance."

Lizzy ran a hand through her hair. "Just lets wait to involve him until we have more information, okay?"

"I guess so." I slumped back in the passenger seat. "Okay just until we know more then I'm calling him."

Lizzy paled a little in the backseat. "Yeah." She said, her voice guarded. 

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