The Bro-Code

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 •Damien's POV•

''Ahh, Damien p-please not h-here. I have class in five minutes.'' Steven informed me, a moan traveling soon behind. I let my mouth abandon his erect nipple as I began sucking on his unmarked neck.

''So do I,'' I breathed out against his skin, placing a kiss to his soft spot right beneath his ear. He shuddered. I had him melting under me within seconds.

He's always like this when I start on him. I haven't even kissed him yet and he's already moaning my name.

''Damien, t-three minutes.'' He released from his lips despite his frequent panting for air. My laughter floated in the air, my lips moving from his neck.

It would be really cruel of me to leave him in his state of discomfort, seeing as though I am the one who put him there.

I thought about it for a minute, then shrugged.

His continuous countdown wasn't exactly a turn on.

I reached down, picking my shirt up from the floor, quickly pulling it over my head. ''Remember,'' I said, looking him deep in his caramel brown eyes, a smirk hanging at my lips. ''It was your call to finish yourself off.''

I slipped out of the janitors closet before he could object. As I'm swiftly making my way down the hall, I glance briefly at my wrist watch.

Haha, two minutes left Steven, I hope your hand works wonders.

Students start piling into the hall at the sound of the bell ranging. I continued making my way to my final class of the day, which by chance, just so happens to be his as well.

I took my usual seat in the back, watching as the rest of the students piled into the classroom. Inwardly, I laughed. There's no way he's going to make it, there is only a few minutes left 'till the tardy bell.

I smiled, seeing the Teacher walking in and calling the class to order. He started with the attendance.

I've never really understood why we did attendance at the end of the day. I mean c'mon, don't they think we've learned enough to be able to skip the last forty-five minutes of school?

God, the Board of Education is so stupid. I would definitely be as far away from this place as I could be if it wasn't for Steven.

I honestly never knew he was such a nerd until he made a rule that if I skipped school more than four times a week I wouldn't get any. Not that I get any anyway. But even thought I hated being here, I stopped skipping for him.

Deep down, I know he did that to help me, and in a way I am thankful to him. Before I only came to school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Tuesdays are tolerable and Fridays are the most important day of the week. It's a test day, and the most exciting day of the week. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what goes down at this school.

The bell rang and in the same second a panting Steven came running into the classroom. His hand was clutching his stomach as he made an attempt to try and regain some air back into his lungs.

I laughed loudly, not caring if anyone started to stare.

He quickly shot me a glare from across the classroom. He turned to the teacher and gave him some bs excuse for being late. I doubt that he would have even got in trouble if he was a little late. He's like the Einstein of teachers pets.

Even knowing that, I also knew he'd be so pissed at me for almost making him late that that I wouldn't get any midnight action. Well there goes my late night blowie.

The Bro-Code (BoyxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu