Hold Me Close

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*Damien's POV*

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*Damien's POV*

Caring about people and having feelings for them and shit, it's nothing but a bunch of bullshit I swear it. I mean look at this shit, I basically just sacrificed my life twice  for this ungrateful kid and all that he can think about is himself.

So what do I get for doing what I did for him?


Just him being pissed at me because things didn't go his way. Not him being thankful that I saved both our asses. I don't even need him to say thank you but damn some simple gratitude would be nice.

Honestly, I don't even really care about the fact that he's mad.

Steven can be mad all he wants. What's really bothering me is the fact that he likes to assign blame but when something is actually his fault he can't accept that.

You know what?

Fuck him.

I feel this sprout of laughter take over me.

Fucking him is exactly what I won't be doing tonight, or any night to come for that matter.

In all seriousness, we've yet to go that far. And I would never push the subject of sex with him. I'm not a virgin so to speak because I've slept with plenty of girls, but I've never slept with a guy. And he knows that I want to have sex with him.

But on the other hand, he is a virgin and...I don't know. I guess I'm just so used to being with girls and sleeping with them whenever I pleased that I'm not used to not being able to sleep with the person that I want to, when  I want to.

And I would never 'cheat' on Steven and go have sex with a female just because he won't sleep with me. But I'm not going to lie and act like he doesn't piss me off when he acts like he doesn't want to sleep with me at all.

I mean maybe it's not an act.

We've been fooling around with each other for a while now and I'll continue to wait as long as he needs me to until we can take that next step, but my feelings for him are starting to get kind of more than personal, and I don't think it's the same for him.

I don't know.

I don't know what's going on with him these days. Or with us. But to be honest I don't feel like wasting my time by wrecking my brain to try and figure it out.

I helped him today, not once but twice. Twice I saved his ass.

God only knows what my parents would do to me if they knew I was attracted to guys. I take enough shit and enough hits as it is on the football field, I don't need even more at home.

Steven's parents are an entirely different story though. They are all traditional and shit. Hell they'd probably disown him or something crazy like that if they ever find out what he's doing with his best friend in the closet. His parents creep me the fuck out.

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