Chapter 13

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Gwen pov

Life doesn't happen by itself, you have to  make it happen.

"Make yourself comfortable, it will be a  very entertaining show." I told Dave smiling  devilishly, if you thought I will let Adam get  away after pulling such a stunt, you  thought wrong.

There is a simple law, whatever you throw  at the universe is thrown back at you. I'm a  very dedicated person, I don't take favours  from anyone, he did something now I will  return it back tenfold.

I took a sip of my milkshake, just then  Adam Rian came barging into my office  followed closely by Emma. His hair was  messy, as though he had been pulling it. He  was scared. I decided I liked it.

"What the hell did you do, I can't access into  my bank account. I'm not even allowed to  enter my office?" He screamed shaking  lightly.

"Oh poor Adam you look a bit grey, want to  sit down. I can get you water, coffee or  maybe some poison" I chimed sweetly.

"Tell me bi*ch, what the hell did you do to  my company?" He tried to take a  threatening step towards me, but seeing  Dave balling up his fists. He wisely kept  quite.

"I didn't do anything" I said making my eyes  wide.

"Both of us know, you are the only one who  has a grudge, and the means to pull a  stunt." He sneered.

"Ohh I'm flattered, you think I'm your best  enemy." I said making my voice  unnecessarily squeaky.

"I didn't do anything, you just signed and  sent me a document that you willingly and  happily transfer the ownership of your  company and money to me." I said enjoying  the expression on his face.

"I never did anything like that." He yelled.

"All of us here have good working ears, so  there is no need to yell." I warned him. Only  I have a right to yell here, no one does. He  should keep that in mind .

"You see you should always treat your  employees properly. Trust me you do not  want to get on their bad side. Your manager  was quite worried about the company with  your gambling habits. It was so easy to buy  him out." I informed him.

"You managed to buy out Aaron." Adam  asked disbelieving.

"Yes" I grinned. "Aaron was quite  concerned, he managed to get your sign,  on  the papers I wanted. Now you have no official rights over anything. Our previous  agreement is considered null and void."

"But I can sue you, what you did was illegal.  I will get my company back." He challenged.

"Chris wanna help me out here." I called  out.

Chris came into my cabin, holding a hard  drive. He gave Adam a disgusted look and  passed the drive to Emma.

Emma who was watching everything,  placed the drive on the table, marched up  to Adam and slapped him. The sound of the  slap echoed around the room, if I could I  would dance around the room.

Happily singing a song and dancing like a  lunatic. This was like my dream come true.

Well you are a lunatic.

I decided to ignore her, like I always do.  Mad female always rains on my parade.

"This hard drive contains proof of your  illegal work going around the country. You  open your mouth, I'll release this to the  media. I may get sued, but it'll be after I see  your ruin."

Adam opened and closed his  mouth, he definitely did not see that  coming. I was three steps ahead this time.  Remember people karma always  comes back.

"How did you get that?" He asked eyeing  the drive disgustedly.

"Actually you had an enemy in your own  home. You know what people say, your  enemies enemy is your friend. I just took  advantage of that fact." I replied.

For once in his life he seemed to get smart  and connected the dots. He roared  and  lunged at Emma. Dave shielded  her,  causing  him to stop in his tracks, Chris  glued himself to my side thinking he could  lunge at me.

"You held Emma at gunpoint and got  engaged to her. Don't underestimate a  person's hatred towards you. The stunts  you pulled convinced her to finally see you  behind bars." Emma proved to be my final pawn.

Two days ago she had contacted me  pleading for help. I don't know what Adam did but the poor girl was terrified. She  explained her entire situation and in no  time we could execute this plan. Of course I  couldn't keep all my eggs in one basket.

In the meantime I convinced Aaron to betray his good for nothing boss. Who is  billionaire Gwen Carter when she doesn't  have a back up plan. Adam was shaking  from top to down.

He kept on a string of curses, his speech  slurred because he was so mad. This was the same look I had when I left my family for  good. Seeing him have that gave me sick  satisfaction.

I marched up to him and slapped him again. This was less for all the years I cried.  It was less for being the reason I had to live  without my parents for eight years. He was  the reason, I could never go back.

"Don't ever mistake my past as my  weakness, it's my past that's made me so strong. It is my past that will give me  a  reason to kick your butt." I warned.

I handed him a cheque, it had the same  amount of my savings with which I had left  what I called home. I took my Nana's  picture with me, but since he  was so self  centred and did not love anyone but  himself, I handed him my his own picture.

"This was all I had, that day I left. If you  feel you are better than me, prove it  become even more greater than me. But  this time do it on your own." I warned him.

I put him in my shoes. Let him know how it  feels when you loose everything and everyone.

"Security throw him out of my office"I  instructed. Two bulky men in uniforms  came in and dragged a kicking and  screaming Adam out of my office.

I took a  deep breadth. Don't  think  it's  over.  Life has a funny way of pushing you into  more difficult problems, once you tackle  the ones you have. I will fight all that comes  in my way. I am the one who chooses  my  destiny.

I turned to see Dave looking at me proudly.  First time in his life Dave asked me  something, that was to ruin Adam and I did  it. Emma looked relived, while Chris looked  close to what you called admiration.

"What are you waiting for, let's celebrate." I  said causing them to cheer.

My next update will be wednesday.

Just because Adam is thrown out doens't mean the story is over, the real twist is yet to come.

Describe Emma in one word?

Until next time.

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