Chapter 15

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Gwen pov

"l did not have this in mind, when I told celebrate." I grumbled to myself, glaring at  the oven. As though it was the cause of my  misery. It was kind of, but not actually. Dave  left to attend what he called a very  important meeting, Emma ran mumbling  something along the lines of kicking his  pathetic face, I hoped and prayed whoever  that guy is safe.

Now I am left alone, in my house trying  to  cook dinner. Chris and I were left to  awkwardly stare at each other. Then we  agreed that I would cook dinner and then  maybe we could go out for ice cream. I  didn't want to go to a restaurant with him,  both of us in an enclosed space, no.

Now I'm in a shirt and blue washed jeans.  My hair was  pulled into a ponytail. Did  I  look bad? Am I underdressed? Do the jeans  make me look fat? Will Chris think I look  funny? The real question however is why  does it matter? I certainly didn't give a  damn what people actually thought. Then  why him? Why did I have this weird reactions, butterflies in my stomach when  he was near? 

Why did I shiver to hear his deep velvety voice. I heard a knock at the door, he was  here, should I stand casually near the stove,  or maybe stick my head into the fridge as  my cheeks turned bright for no reason.

Or maybe I should hold a knife to him you  know as a welcome gesture. Gah why am I  so bad at this.

"Hey I found some really good cinnamon  buns, maybe you'd like them." He said  casually placing a bag on the kitchen shelf,  he removed his jacket and wrapped it on  the back of the chair. I took in a breadth,  this sounded so domestic like it was  something we had done for so many years.

"I hope I was not too early." He sheepishly  grinned when I didn't speak anything.

"No, I was just getting started on dinner." I  said trying to ease of the tension.

"I don't know, how to cook but I can  help."he admitted rubbing the back of  his  neck.

I smiled "well than looks like I'll have to  teach you." Everyone needed to know how  to cook, you should at least be in a position  where you can fend for yourself.

I instructed him to chop up vegetables I set  on the counter while I marinated the  chicken and pushed it into the fridge. I was  making chicken with stir fried vegetables.  It was one of the easiest things to make, and  was quick to whip up.

I wanted to start with something simple,  because Chris didn't know how to cook, and scaring him with complicated recipes was a  bad idea. I heard the sound of sniffing,  puzzled I rubbed the corner of my eye. If I  was not crying then who was?

I turned to see Chris vigorously rubbing his  eyes, trying to chop the onions into equal  pieces. Biting back a smile, I said  "why  don't  you  let me do this?"

"I'm sorry. I never tried cooking anything."  He said. He hovered over and I guided him as he stir  fried the vegetables. I put the chicken in the  oven and set a timer.

"Now put some soy sauce." I told him. He  gingerly took the bottle and added  generous amount into the dish. I cringed, so  much sauce would make it salty. But I didn't  want to stop him, what can I tell him when he looked at me with hopeful wide grey eyes.

"Your doing great." I told him. Don't look at  me like that. You don't know the number of  calamities I caused in the name of cooking.  You don't learn without going wrong. I took  the chicken out of the oven and cut it into equal pieces. I had some of Dave's special  lasagna in the fridge, maybe we could share  that.

I had left a bottle of special wine in the  fridge to cool. Both of us decided to sit in  the living room and watch a movie while  we eat. I scooped the food into two plates  and brought it out to the living room while  he chose the movie.

"I hope you don't want to watch chick  flicks."he hollers.

I scoffed, why in heaven would I want to  watch a cheesy romance movie when I have  all those gory horror movies.

"Chris, you better put on a good horror  movie." I warned him. We settled on the  couch, I didn't serve him stir fry because  honestly  it had too much of salt. He didn't deserve to be discouraged because of one  wrong step.

"This stir fry is good." I told him, pushing a  bite into my mouth discreetly trying not to  gag.

"Really?" He asked his eyes alight, as  though he had just received a big award. I  gave  him a thumbs up, and took one more  bite, which made him even more happier.  He slapped his hand to the couch and joked  about how he should open a restaurant.

"Here let me have a bite." He asked looking expectantly, with those big grey eyes of his.

Dammit how am I gonna tell no now. Curse my life.

"No, this is too good to share." I told him taking larger  bites. I didn't want him to  taste it and feel bad about the salt. Chris  opened his mouth to argue, but then settled back and resumed eating flashing me a  mega watt smile. 

Not being used to eat so much salt I ended up having a coughing fit and excused  myself to drink water.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as I  came back.


"Gosh, this is so horrible, I can't even take a  bite and you almost finished it. I'm such a  horrible person. I'm so sorry, it's just that  I've never cooked and you had to eat that  horrible thing." He rambled.

I kissed his cheek and that shut him up, his  jaw dropped he stopped mid ramble. His  ears and nose were turning red. Don't ask  me why I kissed his cheek? I don't know. I panicked and it shut him up.

Yeah  every  time  you  panic,  you  just  happen  to  kiss  a person.

I wonder where she disappeared.

"It was  not bad for your first dish. You should  know, I messed up a lot of dishes before  learning to make a decent meal. It's good  okay now calm down." I assured him.

He opened his mouth to no doubt apologize  again. I narrowed my eyes at him and  said  "you say say sorry one more time, then see  what happens."

That shut him up and he sat back down. I  grinned at my victory. Both finished eating  what we could and then devoured ice  cream.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Chris said heading  towards the door.

"Yeah, bye." I told him sincerely. He hesitated slightly and then pecked my  cheek causing me to turn  bright  red, eyes  wide, my nose embarrassingly red I was  quite a sight.

He grinned at my state and went out, I  quickly shut the door and crashed on a  chair. I was grinning like a fool, why I don't  know?

When do you know anything?

Okay  what  just  happened  here.

My next update will be Wednesday.

Good times are an indication that bad times are about to come.

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Until next time.

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