Chapter 17

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Gwen pov

"There's a problem."

"Tell me something new." I mumbled sighing, like could I not get a break. Why is everything so hell bent on making me suffer? Like isn't there something new.

"No time for your sarcasm now." Dave chided. There was something seriously wrong when Dave took that tone. I left my handbag on the table and sat next to him on the couch.

"There's some anonymous person, trying to acquire our company shares. If this continues at this rate, chances of ownership will slip into someone else."

I was confused now, why would a person spend so much money to buy shares, true the share value in the market was high, but why would they want to invest such a huge amount. Unless the person was genuinely interested in my company, or had a
personal vendetta against me.

Better accept a negative option rather than
getting fooled thinking life was fun and dandy. Time to figure out this mystery person's intentions. Skeletons from past always seem to pop up in unexpected situations, you let your guard down hell
breaks loose.

"Three of our board members are giving up shares and their rights, if this mystery person has some grudge against us, then it will cause us a problem later." Dave said.

"I'll contact Ross and put him on business. He should be able to give us mystery man's details in about a week." I agreed with Dave.

Adam was out of the picture,I hadn't heard
anything about him. He didn't have money but definitely had the grudge to destroy me. Dad wouldn't do this, he was not a man to skirt around he would strike you in the face. So maybe someone was helping Adam or someone was doing dirty work for him.

"Round up the details, I want every detail of where Adam was in the past two days. If he breaths I want to know it." I instructed.

"Set up a decoy partner and try to see if we can lure the mystery man out. Tip off the media that our partners are having arguments and differences among us, whoever it is will definitely try to take
advantage of the ongoing dispute." I told Dave my plan.

I was dropping a bait, think Gwen think like your enemy. If I were that mystery man what was the first thing you could do, I would want to stay under the radar until my cards are right, so when I see a dispute between the board members, they are members who have voting rights so I needed to get them on my side.

"I'll have Ross contacted and on duty. That kid really knows how to do his job." Dave said hurriedly gathering his files and stood up.

"I'm done with the designs for the ball, you should see them and then send for the materials."

As Dave left, I slumped on my chair and bit my lip thinking. I didn't have many enemies, if there I managed to keep them on radar. This had to be someone I overlooked, someone who stayed on the shadows, but I never payed attention to. It's always the same the most evil intentions lay in the minds that are tormented, overlooked,
underestimated. I myself know the thoughts that arise in lonliness. The desperation to prove yourself and show your worth to others will make a person will make them do so much.

What drama will the mystery man create?

"Gwen, my child I haven't seen you here in a while." I heard the voice causing me to smile. I saw Mrs Williams beaming at me, she ran on her stumpy legs and engulfed me in a hug. I let out an omph and patted her back, trying to get out of her hold.

She turned me around examining me with her narrowed eyes and hit the back of my head.

"Ouch, what was that for." I pouted sulkily rubbing the back of my head.

"You have lost so much weight, you look pale. Have you been eating, or still loading yourself up on candy." She questioned impatiently pulling me towards her cabin.

"I hardly eat candy, Dave has banned me from eating anything sweet."I said grumpily. Indeed Dave had thrown out all my secret stashes of candy, claiming he couldn't handle a sugar hoped me.

Mrs Williams smiled and passed me a box with choco chip cookies. I squealed and munched on the sugary delight and gave her a toothy grin. Never did I have a motherly figure coo over me and baby
me, so when Mrs Williams did that it made me feel like I too deserve a family, a parent who cares for me.

"So why are you here, did you miss me?" She asked perching on her desk and beaming at me.

"Of course I missed you, but I'm here for our regular thing." I answered. Mrs Williams pursued her lips and came close to me holding my hand. I was ready for this argument which took place every

"Gwen, I know your a good kid. The best person I would meet, but honey you do enough for us. I don't feel it's right to take so much money from you. I've been talking to other investors, some may take pity
on us."She mumbled.

"Mrs Williams, no one has to take pity on you. I don't do it for that reason. I want to leave a mark on my life, all that I do in life doesn't bring me peace this is what I can give back." I gave her my same

Mrs Williams lost her husband to a car accident five years ago, I found the broken lady crying her eyes out in the cemetery. I persuaded her to start an orphanage. Since that time on my every birthday I sponsored the education of a child. I never had a reason to celebrate my birthday,

I didn't have anyone or a reason to consider it special. So I decided instead of doing something for myself I decided to make it special for someone else.

It took us a while to set up a building, and bring in children. It broke my heart to see so many young kids go through so much in life. It reminded me that people suffer more than me, I'm not the only one suffering, so if they can fight back and be happy I definitely could.

I particularly didn't have the best childhood so I wanted to give these kids a reason to celebrate and feel special.

My next update is Wednesday.

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Do you think Gwen is going to give up so easily?

Until next time.

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