Chapter four

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Today is the day I get my revenge. My eyes shoot open the second my alarm sounds. I roll over in my bed. I didn't sleep a wink last night.

It has now been almost a month since Aiden passed. Each day my heart hurt a little less, but the pain as replaced by rage.

I did some digging. Zane is the son of Daryl. Daryl had two children, both boys. Daryl was the previous alpha of his pack, the Terror pack.

Zane was a close in age to his brother. His brother being the new alpha of the Terror pack. They were born merely months apart, making Jax older.

And when Jax was to be appointed alpha, I guess that's when he went on a mad rage.

I let out a long sigh through my nose as I begin to get dressed for work. I was the head of the guard now, I had a lot of responsibility.

I drag my coat on and survey the room one last time before I leave. I remember moving in with Aiden. We were both so excited. I close my eyes and hold back tears.

"Come on, lover." He laughed as he carried in two big boxes. I stood at the doorway gaping at the big empty apartment. "Wait, on second thought stay right there!" He exclaimed.

Sunlight peered into the windows, making his blonde hair sparkle. The sun dusted the wooden floors so they looked golden. Aiden set the two cardboard boxes down on the floor.

One of the boxes had writing in sharpie upside down saying "fragile", this made me giggle. Aiden walked over to where I am standing in the doorway, his eyes drug up my body with lust.

"What are you doing?" I tilted my head to the side, wondering what my mate was up to.

"I want to do this properly." He puffed out his chest and then grabbed the back of my thighs, and lifted me into his arms bridal-style. "Mrs. Heidi," he said formally as he stepped through the threshold.

"Welcome to our new home!" he then kissed me on the cheek.

My stomach was filled with so much warmth when I was around him. I had felt complete. Basking in the sunlight in his strong arms.

I open my eyes and stare at the dark room. The bed is messy, I didn't bother making it this morning. I bring my hand up and wipe away a stray tear with my ring finger.

No tears today.

And then I shut the door, locking it behind me. Today is a new day.

I walk out of the apartment building into the grey weather. It is always cloudy here. It only rains on occasion, and we hardly see sunlight.

It used to be sunny every day, when the Pioneer pack was first created. It was the first pack. Wolves lived in harmony. But then they multiplied and grew so big that some wanted to branch off and start new packs.

So they created The Seven Packs. Each agreed to remain peaceful with the others. And it was peaceful, most of the time. Occasionally the alphas would start wars with their neighboring packs when they didn't get along.

But most of the packs lived together, separated, but as one. If there was ever tension with another species, they pulled together to keep our pack quarter safe.

I hear the beep beep of my car unlocking as I walk to the drivers side. I slide in and power the machine. I drive an old car, but she gets me to work and home.

The drive to work is a good half hour, as the prisons are located away from the towns. I pull up to the large metal gates, showing my badge to get me past security.

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