Chapter twenty one

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The car comes to a slow halt, gravel crunching under the wheels. We are half a mile away from Dean's house, just far enough where he cannot sense us coming.

Tonight is the night I am going to steal from the alpha of the Magic pack.

Zane has dressed me in all black for my mission. I am supposed to blend into the shadows. My hair has been twisted into a tight french braid. A tight black leather mini skirt hikes up on the leather seats of the SUV. As much as I protested, this was what I was provided to wear.

Aside from the mini skirt, I have on a cozy black sweater with soft black gloves, to prevent me from leaving any prints.

He really went all out with this to make sure I don't get caught.

Even though getting caught is my only goal.

I take a deep breath, eyes staring into the dense forest through the tinted window. I feel a warm hand through my sleeve, catching my attention.

Chocolate brown eyes meet mine, a worry look etched onto his features.

"So do you know what to do?" He quizzes, making me replay his instructions for the fifth time now.

I nod slowly.

My mission, that I do not intend on completing, is to break the window on the south wing of the estate and find my way to Dean's office. Inside the office there is a drawer that is most likely locked. I have a special key for that. In the drawer is a scroll that Zane needs. The scroll has information on where Jax's body was disposed. Zane explained to me that he needed the information so he could burn his body.

Why he needs his body, I don't know. If he is just going to burn it, what is the point. I had tried to question him further but he ignored me.

A sharp pain in my arm makes me jump. Zane stabs me with a needle, the liquid burns as it enters my blood stream.

"What the hell!" I yelp in pain, ripping his hands away from my arm. I rub the wound up and down but the fiery liquid spreads up my arm and into my chest.

"It is just a little... insurance that you'll return to me." He breezes coolly.

"What did you just give me?" I seethe, fuming with rage and fear.

"A simple poison, untraceable." He grabs me by both of my arms, bringing me close to his face, "so don't get any funny ideas about trying to take refuge with the Alpha." His eyes narrowing. A warning.

"What if I get caught?" I stammer, anxiety building in the pit of my stomach. My palms are sweaty now, fingers trembling.

"You have an hour before the poison kills you, I will be waiting by the window." He states blankly.

The door to the SUV opens and a man pulls me from the car. As soon as my feet hit the ground, the car races away from me. I am left in the darkness, my body filling with pins and needles from the poison.

The cool breeze chills my bare legs as I watch the car zoom away. Dark pine trees swing with the wind. The sky is crystal clear, the stars twinkling brightly under the crescent moon.

My feet propel me quickly through the forest. I am already running out of time. I can feel my limbs numbing, my body begging to shut down. I pick up my pace to a small jog until I see lights in the distance.

Dean's house looks very....outdoorsy. It is as if a log cabin had been merged with a mansion. The entire building is made of logs. Huge windows give me a clear view inside the front of the building. There is a small garden to the left side of the building guarded by a simple black metal gate.

Running around to the back, I search for an entrance.

Finally I spot a small window sized perfectly for me to squeeze through. The window is on the ground against the building. It looks like it is at the top of a basement of some sort. The room is lit up, letting me see inside it. If I were any chubbier, I would not fit.

Making a small anxious circle, I finally find a rock in the distance.

One loud crash later and the window is broken. I crouch down to the ground on my belly. I am going to have to dolphin dive into the basement.

Broken shards of glass stab into my back. I accidentally let out a yelp in pain. I had made the wrong move to enter head first. I crash to the ground with a loud thud.

Could you be any louder??? my wolf shrieks. I can feel how anxious she is.

This is a dangerous mission. What if I cannot find the scroll in time. Or worse, what if I get caught.

I can no longer cower behind Alpha Dean. Even if he has a doctor on hand, there is no trace of the poison. They won't know what is wrong with me until I am dead.

I have no choice but to get the scroll and get back to Zane.

Steadying myself on the ground, my head begins to spin. I jump to my feet and see the vertigo effect. The room stretches all around me, sizing bigger and smaller. The room is full of unpacked boxes. No furniture, just card board boxes.

Shaking it off, I make my way to the doorway. Twisting it open, I am greeted with a hallway. I say a silent prayer that this mansion isn't a maze like Zane's.

You know, these places should have signs pointing to what is where.

This hallway has no windows in it. It seems kind of small, tight walls with no paintings or pictures. The floor is a dark hard wood. The problem here is doors line both sides of the hallway.

I open the first door I see and my jaw drops. The door leads to another hallway.

This hallway is exactly like the previous one.


It is a trick. A coded hallway meant to keep out intruders. My time is running out and I have no idea how to escape this trap. I need to find his office.

I pace in a small circle, biting my nails anxiously. It took me a good ten minutes to even reach the damn house. Then maybe five or so minutes to squeeze through the window. That leaves me with forty five minutes until I feel the full force of this poison.

My side hurts from where I was attacked by glass. I lift up my sweater to inspect my wound. The gash in my side leaks with blood.

I rub my shirt over it, clearing the blood to see how deep the cut is. With the excess liquid away, I see the wound dipping deep into my flesh.

Taking a shaky breath, I pull my sweater back down. I need to focus.

I quickly open every door in the hall I am in. Opening the last door, my heart drops. They all show the same picture. The same hallway. All of the doors look exactly the same.

Now the problem is choosing the correct hallway.

I run into a random hallway, opening every door in search of something different. The same dark oak walls, the same hard wood flooring, the same doors.

My head spins as the fire inside me travels to my side wound. It begins to pound with pain. It feels like I keep getting stabbed over and over again.

I pull my sweater up again, checking the wound. Black blood spills out of my body, dragging down my skirt.

My blood has turned black.

My eyes roll back into my head at the sight of the blood. My knees buckle and I hit the ground with a thud, unconscious.

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