Chapter thirty one

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My eyes finally peel open, letting in the dulled sunlight. The clouds loom outside my window but produce no rain. I stretch my hand across the bed, feeling for the man that comforted me last night but he is gone. 

It is as if he was never even there. The only way I know I wasn't dreaming is because I still wear the same black dress as last night. I sit up in bed, all of the blood rushing to my head at once. 

It wasn't a dream. Cole had come to help me. He never told me why, but he seemed like he was hiding something. If I hadn't been so weak from going into heat, I would have pressed him more on it. The bigger question is why did I go into heat. I know for a fact it has something to do with whatever the triplet Fates did to change my existence. 

I will make it my mission to find out exactly what is going on, even if it kills me. 

But something tells me I still have a role to play in all of this. My blood was used to bring somebody back from the dead. Cole went out of his way to save me. He had been there even before the worst had hit me. He never wanted me to know about my heat. He wanted to keep that concealed. Meaning he wanted to keep me concealed from something. Someone

A huge migraine bangs at my temples, causing my vision to spot. Then I feel it in my stomach, causing me to immediately jump out of bed and make a mad dash for the bathroom. Liquids and chunks of old food spray out of me just as I reach the toilet. Looking at it floating around in my toilet bowl just makes me want to throw up again. I pull the handle to flush it, stalking over to the sink. 

I scrub my teeth with my toothbrush, letting the foam build in my mouth in hopes that it will clear out the alcoholic stink from last night. I finally get a glance at myself in the mirror. I look deranged. My hair is disarray, sticking out in all different directions. Mascara runs trains down my cheeks, dried now from all of the fallen tears. I look sick though, sicker than I had the past few days. My skin is pale and the bags have begun to show once again in the absence of concealer. 

I jump into the shower to wash off the bar odor, lathering with my expensive shampoos and body washes for a change. After applying a new coat of makeup to hide my misery, I pull my hair into a tight pony tail and grab a duffel bag. 

Today is my first day back at work. It has been a week since I was returned to my own pack. Lance gave me time off, but it was time for me to move on with my life. Zane has showed no intentions of capturing me again, so Lance's guards have been called off. The thing I am dreading most is returning to the prison.

Something has changed. Being the Head of the Guard doesn't have the same flare as it used to. I'm sure it's because Aiden's death has finally sunk in. With him gone, I am all alone. I have a few close friends, but being the leader of a giant cell for mass-murderers just doesn't seem like... me anymore. 

I make my long drive towards the penitentiary, flooring the gas pedal every chance I got. Today I was feeling stir-crazy. My foot wouldn't stop tapping, I couldn't stay still. My head pounded louder than my music, making it harder to think. The excessive exhaustion that I had endured for the last few days was increasing. Something is wrong with me and I can't put my finger on it. 

I watch the trees passing by me, the deep green is almost calming. A deep fog has decided to set in along the bottom of the road, making it harder to see clearly. I turn on my headlights in an attempt to clear my vision. Just as they flick on, I see a wolf standing in the middle of the road.

I slam my breaks, tensing up ready for impact. My car holds together, stopping directly in front of the beast. Who the hell decides to go for a jog in the middle of the road? 

The wolf is a mix of dark browns and blacks, his shaggy fur is slightly damp from the dreary weather. He is huge, almost twice my own wolf's size. His figure is muscular and strong. His eyes look into mine and my stomach drops to the floor. 

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