Do I like him??(chap 4)

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This song perfectly matches the situation that's why I have added it listen to's awesome ❤️
Happy reading lovelies...

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I went home and was smiling so wide that my mom was curious about me and she stopped and and asked to change and come for dinner quickly.

But thankfully she didn't asked me about my smiling.

I got into my room and crashed on my bed , the room was so quiet that only my fast heart beat loud be heard what is happening to me God I like him?
I couldn't control my blush and kept a hand on my heart and felt the heart beat..I definitely like him alott...he is so sweet to me.
He doesn't look like a bad boy.
God...what if he also likes me....I will go mad.
I got into the reality when I heard a knock on my door I tried to act normal and opened the door.
"Come fast beta"she said .

"Yes mummy I'll be there in 5 minutes

I changed in my normal clothes and got downstairs as I was about to take a step ahead somebody tapped me from behind....and I understood the touch..papa I screamed and hugged him as tight as I could...

"I missed you so much papa you left your princess all alone with her beautiful mother...don't you miss us.."I asked him.
"Aww my princess I missed you and my beautiful wife alott" he said giving me a kiss on forehead.
"Many many happy returns of the day my princess Happpppyyyy birthday I bought a gift for you"he said giving my a wrist watch which I opened immediately (I know I am very impatient 😅😅).

"Papa it is so beautiful"I said without taking my eyes off the watch....I love uhh so much papa...your the best...I said kissing him on the cheeks...but I am also angry on you...
"Oh what happened to the princess,did I do something wrong..
'He said asking me with concern..
"You didn't call me since the last call which was before 10 days"I said pouting.
"I am so sorry my darling,forgive ur papa"he said smiling..his smile melted me and I said him"apology accepted"and we all laughed..
"Now let me give a present to my queen,she might be angry on me for not giving her time"he said carrying a packed box.
And handed it to my mother and kissed her hand kneeling on his mother blushed at him.
He gave her a box which had a beautiful dress and a box full of mother loves Chocolates alot.
Yeah my family is very loving and caring and my mother loves my father alott and vice versa.and I love them the most.

Sometimes I wish and pray to God to give my a husband just like my father who will love me so much that he can do anything.
I am a girl who never thinks men's as ATM machine.But I have a thinking that
"If you want to be treated like a queen👸,
The treat your partner like a king🤴."
And definately wait for the right time to start a relationship.
"Let's do the dinner I am very hungry"my father said.
We had dinner with our lovely talks.
Dad asked me about my college and about my studies and I said him it was all good
Then I got into my room and slept peacefully without thinking about Aditya thankfully.

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