Chapter 34

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The fight between Draco and Harry was all the Slytherin table could talk about. Blaise had been right that a fight between the two would get the people threatening him to back down. It hadn't been Draco's intention and he wasn't even sure why Harry followed him but it didn't matter. Things were a little bit better for the moment.

Summer was just around the corner and usually, Draco would be excited. But summer this year only meant he was that much closer to the deadline for his task and having to go back to his home that was harboring a murderer. He had one last idea for his task and he was going to wait until the end of the year to follow through. There was nothing immediate he needed to worry about. At least, that's what he keeps telling himself.


"I don't think this is really necessary."

Harry settled into bed beside Draco and rolled his eyes. "I think it is completely necessary and since you ruined our great set-up, I had to improvise."

"I'm perfectly capable of sleeping alone, Harry."

"Not really," Harry rested his head on Draco's chest. "Besides, this way I can keep an eye on you."


"No buts. This is happening. Get used to it."

Draco huffed and shook his head. "You're insufferable." He rested his head on top of Harry's and brought him closer. "But I am glad that you're here."

"Me too."

Draco was nearly asleep when Harry whispered, "can you tell me what happened the weekend you went home?"

Draco debated feigning sleep but decided against it. "It doesn't matter."

Harry craned his neck up to look at him. "It matters to me. Please?"

Draco sighed. "You told me that night that you dreamt I was hurt. What exactly did you see?" Draco really didn't want to describe what had happened to him. If Harry really did dream what happened to him, then he'd rather Harry explain it.

"I saw Voldemort standing above you. You were curled in a ball, screaming as he used the Cruciatus curse on you. He didn't stop until you lied still," Harry's voice faltered. "I honestly didn't know if you were alive or dead."

Draco looked up. "He had heard rumors that we were dating and he asked me about it. I denied, of course, but he didn't believe me." Tears filled his eyes. "My own mother just let it happen and didn't heal me until I left two days later. Upon his request."


"But he believed that we weren't together which is all that matters."

Harry got up on his elbows to look down at Draco. "That's not all that matters. What matters is that you got away."

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