Chapter 43

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As they sat together at an empty coffee shop, Draco couldn't help but think about Harry's question: do you ever regret choosing me? What does that even mean? He said that he didn't have any regrets but it sure seemed like it. Maybe he should just leave—

"Hey, Draco," Harry nudged him and gestured to the waitress. "What do you want to drink?"

"Just black coffee," Draco replied.

The waitress nodded and walked back toward the counter. Harry, Weasley, and Granger dove back into their conversation about where to go next but Draco tuned them out. He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts. He felt out of place. Watching the trio together, he couldn't help but think they would be better off without him. Draco was about the say something when he noticed two men walk up to the counter. They were slowly pulling something out of their pockets...

"Duck!" Draco yelled, pushing Harry to the floor as the two men whipped around and started throwing spells at them.

They all ducked under the table. Draco grabbed his wand and got to his feet, hitting one man in the chest with a spell that made him go flying. Granger took care of the other one. The waitress came out and froze at the unconscious men and the disarray of the café.

"Leave," Granger said. "Now."

The waitress didn't need to be told twice. She turned on her heel and left. They walked up to the men.

"Deatheaters," Draco replied. "I recognize them."

"What do we do with them?" Harry asked.

"Kill them," Weasley snarled.

"Ron," Granger said, her voice laced with shock.

"What? Do you think they would hesitate if the roles were reversed?" He snapped.

"Wipe their memories," Draco suggested. "That way we won't be followed."

"Of course you would say that since you're—" Weasley started but Harry cut him off.

"Don't start, Ron."

"If we wipe their memories then no one will know we were here," Draco explained to Weasley like he was talking to a child. "If we kill them then they will know that we were here."

"He's right," Granger said. "We can't have anyone knowing where we were."

She stepped up to the unconscious figures and started to obliviate them.

"We should go to the Grimmauld's Place," Harry said. "We can stay there until we figure out our next move." Harry looked at Draco. "It was my Godfather's place and one of the Order's hideouts."

Draco nodded in understanding. After Granger had finished wiping the men's memories, they all grabbed hands and apparated away.

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