Chapter 46

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Draco ran behind Harry and Granger with Weasley stumbling behind them. The Polyjuice Potion had already worn off and Ministry workers were chasing after them, throwing spells as they went. All the floo powder fireplaces were closing and they didn't have much time to get to one. Draco threw a spell behind him at one of the workers that was tailing Weasley. One floo powder fireplace was open and they picked up the pace to reach it in time. Granger grabbed Harry's hand and Harry grabbed Draco's. He had to fully extend his arm to grab onto Weasley's sweaty palm. Granger jumped into the fireplace and they were all were whisked up.

They landed on the doorstep of Grimmauld's Place but they weren't alone. Someone had grabbed onto Weasley, so Granger jinxed him before quickly apparated again. They landed in a forest. Draco sat up and looked down to see that Weasley had been splinched. Blood was seeping out of his shoulder and he was groaning in pain. Granger quickly ran over and knelt beside him. She started applying healing spells and she yelled at Harry to grab the Dittany from her bag. He rushes over and hands her the vial.

"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asked. "What happened?"

"He's been splinched," Draco explained.

Granger nodded. "And he's going to be fine." She said, pouring the contents of the vial on Weasley's shoulder, causing him to call out in pain.

Harry flinched and turned to Draco. "Are you all right?" He asked.

"Fine. What about you?" Draco asked.

"Fine. I would have liked a less tight escape but we got it," Harry pulled out the locket from his pocket. "Which is all that matters. Now we just have to figure out how to destroy it."

He laid it against a rock and started throwing spells at it. Draco joined in but after over a dozen spells, they stopped.

"I guess I didn't think it would be that easy," Harry said, picking up the necklace and putting it around his neck. "But I thought it would be worth a shot."

"You've destroyed other Horcruxes, right?" Draco asked. "How did you do that?"

"A basilisk fang," Harry replied. "Which I don't think we'll find at any shop."

"No, but maybe we can find something that can kill a basilisk."

"The sword," Granger stood up, a bandaged Weasley at her feet. "Harry, the sword of Gryffindor. That's why Dumbledore left it to you! It becomes more powerful than the thing it faces. It could destroy Horcruxes!"

"Brilliant except we don't have it," Harry said.

"Then I guess we know our next step," Draco spoke.


Harry set up the tent while Hermione and Draco put up protective wards. Once they were done, they helped Ron into one of the beds. The bleeding had slowed, Hermione just said that he needed to rest. Hermione stayed by his coot while Harry and Draco made some dinner. Though, Draco was hopeless when it came to cooking.

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