The Great Escape Pt2

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He handed you some chocolate milk and had you go back to your room. As soon as he left he locked the door so you couldn't escape. From the outside of course. That could buy you some time so you can look around the room. You looked at the big teddy bear sitting on the table. You grabbed it and looked at it in the eyes. Of course, hidden cameras. You took the bear and placed it in the closet and closed the closet. You decided to look around some more because why would some mafias have child like rooms.

* * * 

A hour passed by and you found no cameras no nothing. Just what you found before . Your phone was dead so you couldn't really call anyone. The door knob rattled and the door opened revealing a tall boy, charming- yet he held a dangerous face. He grabbed you by the wrist and started dragging you. You finally ended up in a warehouse like room. There were knives, scalpels, hammer and other tools. What is this some house building place? You were sat down on a chair and tied to it.

"Answer my questions truthfully..." you didn't like the idea of this, or what was he going to do,"I'm bam bam, now speak."

"Telling me your name won't work stupid." And that's where you knew you messed up. Calling a mafia stupid, so thoughtful. He punched you in the stomach.  

"Every wrong answer and you pay the price. And don't worry honey you won't die, you will feel like you died, but you won't." He told you. Each time he asked you wouldn't answer, the boys were gathered up. You were covered in bruises and cuts. They weren't too deep probably like cutting yourself as you cook. But one thing was for sure, you couldn't take in all the pain.  

"Why are your protecting them!?" Mark spoke. At this point you knew all their names. But he was right, what were you trying to save BTS from. Why were you trying to save them. It's those same questions you keep asking yourself too, but you just don't know. There's no reason. You were lead back to the same room. You were going be stuck there for a while now.

A few days passed by and you got your phone back from them too. It was fully charged. Lucky you remembered one of the numbers because it was easy to remember. You called the number. "Hello..?" The person on the phone spoke. "Y-yes. It's me y/n.." you replied. "Y/n! It's you! Where are you? We checked their house no one was there" you could tell, it was hoseok on the phone. "Look don't worry, we will come get you soon..." he said you knew he wasn't sure and he had lost all hope. "XxxxXxxXxXX" you replied, "hurry please I don't have much time, I have to go now." With that you ended the call and deleted the number so in case if they decided to check your phone they couldn't see who you called.

You took a shower and waited. Will they get here on time. You thought. You pulled the switchblade from under the pillow. You examined it. It had tiny designs in it. Must cost a fortune. You looked at the window again. The boys might think you are too weak to do anything. This might be my only chance to escape.. you thought. You opened the window and locked the door from the inside.

It was evening so It will be hard to get out since there might be more guards, but you have no other choice. You held the switchblade in your mouth and grabbed onto the tree. You slowly moved down but accidentally placed your foot on the wrong place and slipped down . You fell on your back and the switchblade fell out of your mouth. You got up and grabbed the blade and made your way to the walls. They were high they were like barriers stopping their enemies from coming in. You looked around and found a large rock. You climbed on it and reached on top of the walls and pulled yourself up. You jumped over and made a run for it. But just then a guard was standing outside which you didn't notice and complete forgot about while escaping. Before you could do something, it was already too late he yelled. He yelled for the other guards and the next thing you knew was that you were running with the boys and guards chasing you again. You went into the woods where no light was shining at all. You made your way across. You took out the pen that you got along and figured with it. Some light turned on and you made your way through. Tired of running you leaned against a tree and looked up. It was late the moon was out and the stars were shining. Light made its way through. As you sat resting and trying to catch your breath.

BTS Mafia ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ