Big Boss

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You were waiting in the car as the boys were deciding on who will go with who. Turns out you decided to leave the way you guys came. Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and you in one car, and the rest in others. You guys calmly made your way to the road. "Nothing to worry about today I guess." Jimin spoke as he focused on the road. "You shouldn't speak so soon, you never know what might happen.." Taehyung as as he started playing games on his phone. "So where are we headed anyways?" You asked. "The head quarters. Big Boss Headquarters." Jungkook spoke while looking out the window. "Whats that?" You asked. "Basically the place where all the strongest bosses are. The ones that have been in the mafia even before we were born, and hold lots of strength. Well I mean different bosses different place, but all groups or individual mafia are owned by a Big Boss." Jimin said as he focused on the road.

A hour went by and you were playing games in Jimin's phone. "Too bad you don't have your phone." Taehyung said as he played. "Yeah...Too bad." You said still focusing on your game. Jungkook was sleeping and Jimin was still driving. "So...about you and Jin, did you guys make up?" You asked. "Sure did." He said smiling as he won another game. "I'm hungry, what about you guys?" jimin asked out of no where. "Same here." You and Taehyung replied in a unison. You heard Taehyung call the other guys in the other car. You guys decided to stop at some restaurant. If only I could go back... You thought to yourself. You let out a sigh and walked in.


It was late at night, Taehyung was driving and Jimin was sleeping. Jungkook was just doing something, who knows. Taehyung sped up the car and pulled the brakes all of a sudden, causing everyone to be chocked by their belts. "We're here!" Taehyung said loud and proud. "How the hell did you even get your drivers license!?" Jimin said as everyone got out the car. "You do that again and I'm making sure you get your license suspended." Jungkook said as he let out a sigh. Something told you that this wasn't the first time he did that. "I've got your back Kook." Jimin said as he glared at a happy Taehyung who was skipping around. "Y/N got my back though." Taehyung told them. "No- Nope- Not at all." You replied. Jungkook and Jimin burst into laughter as taehyung just stood there open mouthed. "B-But-" He just shut up and pouted. The rest of the guys pulled up. "Wassup!" Hoseok yelled out.

You guys made your way into the buliding. It's huge...bigger than huge, humongous- You thought to yourself as you looked around. "Welcome boys!" You heard someone speaking. The boys hugged the man like that was their long lost father. "Who do we have here?" He said as he looked you up and down. "Uh..." You said uncomfortable with his gaze still on you. "I'm Bang Shi Hyuk, you can call me Bang PD if you'd like, and don't worry I have a wife. Sweetie!" He called out. A gorgeous lady came out from behind him. "Hey boys, good to see you here again. Come have a seat, I see you've bought guests. Who's girlfriend is she?" She asked out of nowhere. "No one..." you answered still amazed by her beauty. "I'm Rina, Rina Fukushi, nice to meet you." "I'm Y/n...Nice to meet you too." You said as you took a seat. How can a man that old get a girl that young- You snapped out of your thoughts as someone spoke up. "We came here to talk to you about the war. I think maybe we have been involved now that they attack our place." Hoseok told him. "Hm...I've heard. And the girl? Is she the provider of the ring?" He asked. Your head shot up and you immediately looked at him. "I'll take that as a yes," he sighed as he spoke again, "So you guys have a war you've been involved into, and you need to find a way to protect this girl, right?" BTS just shook their heads up and down agreeing with their boss. "You guys can stay here until we find a safer place to build your new home. Which I'm afraid we can't do just now. Sweetie take them to the floor above us." She smiled and did as he told them to. "Oh! By the way did you guys eat?" You all shook your head to a yes. "When did you eat?" She asked again. "Lunch..probably at like I dunno maybe...3:00?" Namjoon answered. "Well then, you guys are going to eat again right now. Can't say no." She said as she pushed you all into the elevator and took you guys upstairs. You guys arrived into a really large kitchen. "I prepared some food, myself. Not the chefs." She smiled as she served you all food.


"Ughh....I'm so full!" Yoongi whined while everyone walked like a pregnant lady. You all went into your rooms stuffed and tired. Everyone wished their good nights and went to bed. You laid onto your bed as the thoughts came back to you. But seriously...what young beautiful girl wants to marry a old man. She looks too nice to go for his money or cheat on him. Oh My god! What if she does. But wait...the question is why am I staying with the boys. Maybe she has a past like me...Maybe she was kidnapped too? Jesus I need answers. What if she WAS kidnapped and then she fell in love with Bang PD. What if that happens to me...Oh hell nah...Man I should run away. Well I should've when I had the damn chance. If I ever had a damn chance...or If I ever get one...Or should I? It might hurt the boys, after all they have been taking care of me...But if they ever catch feelings...I won't know who to choose. AISH! Hey brain shut up! Stop thinking this! Think about butterflies and how they're made of butter- I- I mean whatever they're made of. You slowly closed your eyes and drafted off to sleep thinking about how butterflies are made.

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