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You sat in the meeting room examining the ring. You were now able to control it. Well the first part so far which was; how to get the ring to come off. You tried commanding many other things to the ring but it just wouldn't listen. It seemed as if it had a mind of it's own. "They said it woks with voice recognition but this ring is just so stubborn!" You let out a groan in frustration. "Let me see the ring..." Bang Pd said keeping his eyes glued onto the ring. He took the ring and he examined the ring under a magnifying glass. He was examining the ring carefully...really carefully. He was looking at each and every detailed design. A minute or so later he finally spoke up. "The's really expensive. It's built well, indestructible. It's very advanced in technology truthfully speaking. It is voice recognized...wonder why you can't get it to open up.."he handed you the ring back. " what?" Namjoon spoke up. "We need to find a way to open it up." Jungkook said as if it wasn't obvious enough. You leaned back in your chair as you continued looking at the ring.  These designs...they look so similar. But...why? You thought to yourself. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you heard Namjoon calling you. "Y-yes? What is it?" You quickly replied.

"You seemed lost in your thoughts there for a second. I called your name out so many times.." he replied back. "Sorry.." you answer back and he spoke again, "Try playing around with it. Like...I don't know, perhaps try talking to it. Or do something...anything." He told you. With that he gave the boys a nod and he walked out with the rest following behind him. They wished you a best of luck before leaving and closing the door. They're really nice to me...I wonder why. Perhaps they fell in love? Jesus snap out of it Y/N! This is not the times to think about that!  Several hours passed by, you had lunch but after that you just went back to the meeting room. You sat down again sighing and leaning back once again.

"Just open up!" You yelled at the ring. You were done with the ring not opening up. Just then the ring started glowing and a really small button popped up. You pressed it and the designs on the rings started moving. They started moving around faster and faster each second then suddenly came to a stop. A small screen popped up from the ring. Mom...Dad..."You spoke to yourself as tears filled up your eyes. It's been a eternity since you last saw them. After they left you never saw a single picture of them, ever. After so many years finally seeing the picture of them made you emotional. You touched the hologram as a waterfall of tears streamed down your face. "I miss you guys...I really do..if only I could see you again" you talked to yourself. You messed around with the hologram as your found many other things on there. At this point you were starting to feel weird, as if someone was staring at you. You turned around and saw the door was opened a little. Maybe someone was peaking through the crevice, You thought to yourself. With that you got up and closed the door and locked it as well. Once again you returned to your seat and messed around with the functions of the ring again. You got lost in your thoughts again. I have to tell Bangtan. But wait- why shall I? Why do I trust them so much? Thinking of the technology, my parents must have been really intelligent. Creating just an amazing technology. Having it all in a ring that only opens up when it recognizes you. But...if they made it shouldn't they have seen their own futures?  Perhaps they didn't have enough time to make it out? They were probably attacked. What if they're stills alive? What if...they're just hiding?

You made your way to the window and looked out the window into the night sky while whispering to yourself , "If you're still alive, I promise you, I will find you both." You touched the glass as the stars shined bright and a few shooting stars were seen.
I promise..

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