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I could have added few extra characters in this book but there are already so many and I don't wanna confuse the readers so-- 😥

"Good morning, sir." Nate Moore stood tall and chin high in air, even through his jaw was tightened and his palms sweating. The other nodded at him acknowledging his presence and greeting while getting out of his luxurious car.

"Morning." He smiled oh so familiarly, lips stretching. "Didn't expect you to be out here waiting."

"Mr.Clark isn't in the building at the moment. I've been asked to lead your way in." Nate responded, and even though the other guy was small just as he was back in highschool, he looked authoritative.

"So," Sean walked forward and into the building. "If I'm not wrong, you're Lucas' secretary?"

Nate's palms balled into fists on either sides. He needed to keep one thing in mind, Sean was in a higher position than him, and so was he very important for the company. Nate could NOT fuck this up even if he wanted to.

"No, Sir. I'm not."


"No, sir." Nate replied calmly. "He doesn't have one at the moment."

"Why?" Sean raised his eyebrows.

"Um.." Nate hesitated, unsure whether he should tell him about how Lucas fired his assistant just a few hours ago. "He got fired."

"I mean, why are you here then?"

Nate cleared his throat. "Sorry?"

"Why are you here if you're neither one of them? Call the secretary or ask Lucas to meet me." Sean rolled his eyes, handing over his bag to a guy standing next to him.

To think so low of Nate, how wrong was Sean.

One thing to note about all the rich men, they keep a smile that never failed to annoy him.

"I didn't want to be here either." He mumbled out, teeth clenching.

"What was that?" Sean raised his eyebrows at him, looking through his fake glasses.

"Nothing, sir. I'll be on my way then."

"One more thing-" Sean raised a finger pointing upwards. "Whoever you are, I don't wish for you to attend to me again."

All Nate could say was, "Yes, sir." Before he's on his way back after showing Sean the waiting room.

So much for not having an actual position in the company.

Nate wasn't exactly an employee in the Clark's building. He was just there all the time, attending to Brady Clark and Lucas at the same time and attending meetings.

Even though paid, Nate still had no idea what his position was.

He liked to call himself Lucas' partner, working with him but everyone knew what he was.

He was just Brad's play toy that he hired when no one else gave him a job.

Wrong. People were wrong. All of them were wrong. So wrong.

It's been years, and Nate has been quiet. His silence only made Brady happy.

"Nate!" The secretary called out, trying to get his attention. Nate had forgotten that he was standing in front of Lucas' office. "How can I help you today?"

Oh yes she was one of this secretaries, sweet and smiles. Blood red lipstick and tight clothes. Yet Lucas paid no heed.

"Yes, can you call Lucas for me?" Nate said, before he corrected himself. "I mean Mr.Clark. Tell him Sean Wood is here to see him."

"Oh, right." She nodded. "Anything else?"

Nate shook his head. "No."

"You may leave now, Nate."

"I know." Nate chuckled. "I'm not permitted into Mr. Clark's room, I know in his absence."

Yes, Nate was used to being treated so, but sometimes he forgot about it. Maybe he should have been calmer, but every passing day makes him feel even more suffocated than the previous.

He walked away. Because it's fine. It's fine.

"Fine." He breathed.

As for now, just focus on that thing that Sean held with him. The contract.

He pulled out his phone, and since he knows Lucas doesn't really pick the call from the office or his secretary. It was just a part of his "job" to inform her.  In the end, Nate was the only one who could reach Lucas.

Wasn't that just so fucking amazing?




"Nate," the secretary called out. "Mr.Clark isn't answering."

He snickered. "Just as I thought. Alright, I'll do it myself."

And he dialled Lucas' number, having him pick up at the third ring.

"Yes, Moore?"

"Ah, Lucas. Sean is here to see you. Do I send someone to pick you?" Nate asked.

"I'm already on my way. And no, I'm driving myself."

"Yes okay. Should I get the contract before you're here and cross check it?"

".. sure."


Lucas cut the call and meanwhile, Nate had maintained eye contact with the secretary, letting her know how Lucas would rather it be him than her.

Such people disgust Nate. Those who look down on others.

Because it reminded him of his brother. Who after being released form the prison, was now nowhere to be found.

Nate's brother disgusted him.

His put his phone away, gladly walking back to the luxurious waiting room where Sean was. He opened the glass door, the cold air from the air conditioner hitting his face rather harshly.

He smirked.

"Well, Mr.Wood, you're expected to hand over the contract. I'll be checking as per Mr.Clark's orders."

Yes, the expression that flashed across Sean's face was hilarious to Nate. Having the upper hand in a moment like this only made Nate feel good.

He still despised this place.

It brought him so many emotions that he never knew he could feel.

Be it working as a slave for Brad.

Because the reason he's here today, was totally Brady Clark's game. And he hated him to every bits.


I somehow imagine Nate to be tall, broad shoulders, black hair and incredibly hot. Y'all think like that too? Or is it just me :/

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