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Double update :D

They got down the bus together, Wesley, Claire and Adam.

And she couldn't wait to shoot her questions at him. Ofcourse he remembers her. Who the fuck would forget?

"Yo Claire what the fuck?" Wesley laughed, hand on her shoulders and patting her heartily. "It's been so long, tell me how did you recognise me? I certainly did not see you coming."

"Me either." Claire shrugged him off. "Care to have a chat?"

There was something really different about him right now, something about the way small droplets of sweat were pooling on his face, voice cracking and how he was laughing too much.

He was nervous, wasn't he?

"I have to be somewhere, so lets talk some other time." He brushed her offer off by waving her hand in fron of his chest.

Well, no shit. She wouldn't let him go that soon. She definitely needed to get to the point before Wesley diverts the topic.

"I know who you are." She said, hands slowly making her way to her pockets and smiling smugly. "Just go with me."

Wesley dropped his act, his face dropping too. "I knew it."

He turned around ready to take off, instead he met Adam face to face, their chests almost bumping into each other.

"Please cooperate." Adam said, standing tall and with piercing gaze.

And that's exactly how they all ended up in Adam and Claire's shared hotel room, Wesley sitting on the bed with Adam and Claire pulling up chairs in front of him.

They looked like thugs bullying a little newbie in highschool.

"What do you want?" Wesley asked, already tired.

"Why are you here?" She asked, leaning forward.

"Uhm, family matters?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Tell me."

"Family matters!" He frowned. "Why would you wanna know my family matters?"

"You're dead, though. How are you going to make an appearance?"

"I'm tryna figure that one out." Wesley nodded, raising a finger up. "I know shit's messed up but I'm trying."

"For a fact that you kept escaping all the men who found you, it's funny that you're home."

"What men?" Wesley asked, the room going silent right after.

"Y-Yeah what men, Claire?" Adam asked sounding just as confused and perplexed.

"Those men that Lucas sent to find you?"

"What, seriously?!" Wesley shrieked. "He sent men?!"

"Oh." Claire sighed. "You didn't know?"


"Then how did you manage to do that?"

"I got fired from my jobs and so I changed cities." He grumbled, barely audible. "Maybe that's why they lost me."

"Oh." Claire and Adam shared looks. She rubbed her forehead with her fingers and looked back at Wesley for further explanation.

"Hey wait," he pursed his lips. "How do you know these? How do you know Lucas."

Adam snorted, immediately regretting it when her gaze fell on him.

"Trust me, you don't have to know." Claire shook her head. "So tell me why are you here?"

"My brother.. " he let out a deep sorrowful sigh. "He's getting married."

"So I've heard."

"Before me."

Adam turned away to let out another snort, now feeling two gazes on the back of his head.

"What does this have anything to do with you?"

Wesley looked at her in the eyes, "I'm here to congratulate him, Because he's my baby brother. I want to be here when he gets married. Is that too much to ask? Besides, I've heard that dad is out of town."

"No, it isn't." Claire paused for a second. "The thing is, your dad can come back anytime. I think you know your dad better than anyone."

"I won't let him see me."

"Yeah of course." Claire scoffed. "The wedding ain't happening in the first place."

"What?" He scowled. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you really support your brother in this matter?" Claire asked, getting close to his face. She was staring into his grey blue ones. The brothers didn't have a lot of dissimilarities. "Do you? This is a business deal, don't you think? Lucas won't be happy in a relationship like this."

"What?" He repeated his own question from earlier.

"The person he's marrying is none other than Smith company's president's daughter, Hailey." She informed, while Wesley just blinked. "Do you really want Lucas to ruin his and her life all together? What century is this?"

"Fuck." Wesley cursed, clenching his teeth. "Just as I thought. Dad did it." Wesley held his head in his palms, as Claire moved back. "He didn't spare Lucas at all. It's his plan. I'm sure."

"Well.." Claire shrugged again.

"He's gone too far."

Claire heard Adam mumbled something along the lines "we been knew bitch" and she smacked his head.

"Look, we have gotta stop them."

Wesley shook his head, not looking up. "Do you know what my dad is capable of? He won't let you go easily. He'll burn you down."

Yeah, Claire knew that.

Just like what he did all those years ago. Were they back to square one? Were they gonna have to run from him again? Ridiculous.

Claire gave up last time.

Yes, Claire was a quitter. And she hates herself for that exact reason.

"By the way," Wesley interrupted, bringing her out of her thoughts. "Are you close to my brother? How do you know all of this?"

She shook her head. "Long story short, Lucas has something of mine that he won't agree to return."


Adam snickered, remembering the exact same sentence in one of her drafts. Claire sure was a cheesy writer, he'll give her that.

"My heart." She winked.


Claire stOP. 💀

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