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I looked around the cell. I had lost count of the days I had spent here in this world. There were some footsteps and I saw katsuki dangling keys. "Come on idiot. Deku said you damn think about it times over. I suggest you keep your trap shut. He's highly agitated today. Just offed three fucking guards." I raised an eyebrow as he let me free.

"This is out of character for you katsuki '' I hummed and he growled, grabbing my hand harshly.

"Shut up dumbass. Just keep your fucking mouth shut. He's adjusting the collar around your neck. Something happened to let you be so fucking disobedient" he growled I rolled my eyes. He led me to the room I recognized from the first time I experienced my brother's quirk.

"Took you long enough kacchan" he really did sound agitated. It sent a shiver down my spine as even todoroki was keeping his distance and standing in that respectful stance. "Let go of her" he let go immediately and backed away. He was looking the other way still. No relaxed position just that angered stance I've never seen him in before. There was a long silence. Fear was slowly creeping into my veins slowly. I jumped with my heart racing against my chest. "(y/n)" he said and if even possible my heart sped up faster than a car could speed. I didn't realize I was shaking until his eyes met mine as he turned around and I averted them.

"Y-yes" I squeaked and he glared walking towards me he grabs my neck harshly I see bakugo forcing back a growl and glare. The collar drops to the ground before I hear another click.

"I hope you're done throwing a tantrum and will return back to how you were '' he snarled and I looked to him for a moment. Trying to speak out before finding it hurt. He smirked. "Don't like the new and improved collar do you?"

I whimpered, shaking my head. I didn't care. At this point I shoved down the pain, curling my hand into a fist as I stared at him. "Fuck you and your shitty attitude izuku" I winced and his hand twitched flicking it a knife appeared placing it at my throat I froze.

"Not so tough are you with this at your neck, are you? What if I just. Accidently move my hand to quit or you move too much?" he hummed and I remained perfectly still.

"DEKU! SHE PROBABLY DIDN'T MEAN IT! YOU CAN LET HER GO!" I saw something I hadn't seen. Concern and worry. He rolled his eyes and shoved me forwards letting me land on the ground. Katsuki grabbed my wrist.

"Take her the hell away. Teach her some fucking manners kacchan. Todoroki, grab mina. I'm going to need a spa day after this. I'll be in our fucking room. Kacchan, I expect her to be agreeable at least when the special little day comes" katsuki nodded pulling me to my feet he forced me from the room when we were out of earshot he pushed me against a wall and glared at me.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOU STUPID DUMBASS!" he snarled, grabbing my chin forcefully forcing me to keep my eyes locked on him. "Stop trying to get yourself killed damn it! You saw what he can be like and I'd consider this him on a good day when he's pissed. You think I can be an awful ass. Deku has no heart. Absolutely nothing. He doesn't cry when he kills a pregnant woman. He hasn't shed a tear or felt bad for murder for a long time. He can kill little kids ages of less than a year. He can kill the elderly without blinking or shedding a tear. Do you think he won't kill you?! The only reason he hasn't killed you yet is you've given him something called entertainment. The sick bastard was getting bored with things being so perfect to his vision. But you're laying on his nerves. He wont keep you alive if you dont fucking mold damn it!"

I glared at him trying to move "let me go home then!" he growls leaning towards my ear.

"None of us are going to let that happen. I overlooked what happened at the clearing the whole objects floating I didn't let him know of that otherwise you would be dead I'm sure of that. You're supposed to be quirkless so what was that?" he growled deadly close to my ear.

"I... I don't know!" I muttered and he sighed before kissing my cheek and leading me to my room. His grip had loosened a little.

He pushed me into my room softer than normal. "Just to let you know... I pulled a lot of fucking strings to keep round face alive alright... so just listen to her. She knows the do and don'ts of this world.'' I looked at him before crossing my arms and changing my clothes, putting on the soft silk nightgown. It wasn't what I would normally wear but it was ok. There was a meal already waiting for me on the desk. I ate it slowly before turning off the lights and climbing into the bed. Why does he get like this so heartless possessive and cruel but in a moment I can find that caring gaze that is protective yet possessive one only for him to return to being cold and heartless. I curled up slowly and tears started to fall. After a moment I felt somebody running a hand down my back until I fell asleep. I didn't want to know who it was but I had a feeling I already knew who it was.

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