-Event pt2-

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The area he led me to was another new part I hadn't been to yet even in the length of my stay so far. The doors opened to a large staircase. The room was already filled with people. I wasn't one for the spotlight. I saw uraraka standing talking to mina everybody was dressed formally even those I couldn't see wearing a dress like mina were in one. Katsuki walked me down the staircase. "This is amazing," I smiled and Katsuki shrugged.

"It really isn't the ranks only play nice together for occasions like this... if they don't play nice well what do you expect deku to do '' I rolled my eyes as we moved across the room to a raised area. There were 4 throne-like chairs. Each had some sort of symbol on the top engraved into the throne but clear as day. A black rose over where izuku sat a bleeding snowflake lit on fire where todoroki sat to his right to his left was a small explosion engraved and next to that one a black and purple rose. I didn't question it when he took a seat and motions with his eyes for me to take mine.

"I'm glad you came to your senses and had her come along kacchan" my brother was in his bored position again which only meant he wasn't a threat.

"Shut up nerd, she seemed to want to come," Katsuki hissed and earned a glare from todoroki.

"Set an example bakugo, maybe try not to insult him. He's in a good mood today" izuku and I both sighed knowing what the two were about to start. Without thinking I put my head in my hands.

"Can you two get along for a moment?" both izuku and I hissed at the same time I sighed hearing him snicker.

"We can be so alike can't we" he seemed to mask a small smile. "Why don't you let her have a little fun kacchan? I'm sure she would enjoy the food and talking to others she hasn't seen here yet?'' Katsuki shrugged and looked at me.

"Go ahead. If you want to dance later I'll be right here" he muttered and I shrugged standing up and I grabbed the skirt of my dress quickly moving down to find people to talk to. Mina approached me first.

"Oh I'm so glad you came!" she smiled and I nodded.

"So am i. Everybody seems to be... peaceful dare I say" I giggled slightly and she nodded.

"Alright come on! You haven't gotten a chance to meet some of the others yet!" she squealed, dragging me along.

"Careful! I'll trip on this thing!" she sighed with a shrug before pulling me to... an oddly familiar girl... When the girl turned around to talk to another male I dropped my jaw.

"Oh wow... wasn't expecting this" I muttered and she giggled.

"Ooooooo! She's so pretty! Bet you'd look better with a little red though" I sighed this was this world Himiko toga. And behind her the scarred face of none other than dabi.

"If she's less annoying than you I don't care" I sighed as Mina chuckled at dabi's reaction.

"These are the commanding officers of the military at the moment! Lower rank than those of us you met at the dinner but still highly ranked!" Mina hummed, grabbing my wrist again and she pointed to a guard.

"That one, guard 874 is none other than Iida tenya" she hummed and I nodded.

"Not by choice I assume?" she shrugged.

"Correct, to useful to kill though, uraraka would probably commit suicide if he was killed off" I sighed

"How big a promotion did she get?" Mina snarled, fixing the scarf draped on her shoulder when I asked the question.

"From nothing more than a minor servant dispensable to the head of that department. Who would have thought she could jump from the lowest of the lows to having a decent rank. I sighed before getting an idea... if I was going to be stuck here for the rest of my life... might as well do something later. 

thank you for reading this! it makes me happy that my story is loved.

*insert inhuman happy noises*

working on more parts as I publish this one

time-3 in the morning hehe... I say no sleep today

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