Chapter 3

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When the darkness cleared from my eyes I was standing at the edge of a pond

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When the darkness cleared from my eyes I was standing at the edge of a pond. Lush green grass spread out in front of me with trees lining the edge of the field whilst a small pond sat in the middle. Ducks were sitting pretty on the water's surface as they idly paddled around. Benches were dotted along the gravel path that seemed to follow the edge of the pond. No doubt places for walkers to rest their legs and admire the natural beauty of the area. As my eyes travelled around my surroundings I raised them to see the sky was a mix of clear blue sky and fluffy white clouds. The sun peeping out now and then to shine upon my face in a way I hadn't felt for months, since there was always a thick layer of cloud above London.

From what I could see it was a park, but one I had never visited before.

I wasn't as scared as I was the first time this happened. Instead of fear, sadness filled me.

I had left Carlisle. I hadn't wanted to but would he still feel abandoned in his time of need?

Or worse yet, would he have died alone? No one would find him hidden beneath the piles of potatoes. I felt the awful guilt that his body would be left cold and covered in dirt until someone finally stumbled across his corpse.

My mind haunted me with grotesque images of his decaying body as I wandered aimlessly and slowly on the narrow path towards one of the benches. I had to get to that bench. It was something I had to do to prove I was still in control of this messed up thing that was supposed to be my body. I felt weak from the recent events and the agonising days spent by Carlisle's side.

The terrifying image of the vampire haunted my imagination, the way the blood dripped from his mouth made my stomach roll. I could feel myself splintering as I remembered that night. The pain Carlisle endured that had echoed through his eyes.

I took a calming breath and braced myself on the bench, taking another glance around the picturesque park.

It seemed I was completely alone in this tranquil place. Not a soul wandered past me as I sat on the hard wooden bench. The wind raced through the park, and the leaves created a loud rustle that sounded around me. It seemed like spring in this new place. The air was fresh, not the usual dirty smog I was used to in Carlisle's London. I couldn't even remember the season it had been on my last few days there. All I knew was that it was the year 1640.

A newspaper danced towards my bench and I leapt to grasp it tightly in my hand. The thought of the year in Carlisle's world made me eager to find out the date in this place.

My eyes scanned the front page anxiously; desperate for something to clear the confusion my life had landed in ever since that night in the orphanage. I needed to know if this was all just some odd dream or if I really have become a person who jumps through time.

The clear cut words of the headline and newspaper name stood out in bold type.

Chicago Times

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