Chapter 43

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The remainder of our evening at the ball had passed in a series of stolen kisses, sly touches, and burning gazes

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The remainder of our evening at the ball had passed in a series of stolen kisses, sly touches, and burning gazes. In the two hours since I accepted Edward's proposal we had catapulted ourselves into a world of intimacy. Edward's hands seemed unable to stay off my figure and my eyes couldn't stay off his. I knew our behaviour was being noticed, but it didn't seem to bother either Mr or Mrs Masen. It was only Isabel that even acted with surprise, but then when she saw the ring her mouth released a delightful squeal.

It was all just the beginning. In a way it was a better time because after that night we were watched constantly. We couldn't go out to a public function without conversation centring on our engagement, our circumstances, dates of the wedding, celebratory dinners. Every little detail from our relationship, history, and proposal was discussed. It was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Somehow I adapted, somehow I learnt to relax around the questioning glances and gossiping mouths. Whenever queries of my past came to fruition, I took a glance at Edward, and we smoothly redirected the conversation. He didn't know what I was, but he did know that my past was a sensitive subject, and my personal privacy was important to me.

Public outings were just one part of the deal. The Masen home, my home, was another situation altogether. My personal possessions had been moved from the hotel, and I was now a permanent resident of the Masen home. Of course that alone had caused tongues to wag, but the Masens didn't seem to mind.

Nearly every day I spent with Edward until Elizabeth and Isabel swept me away for all manner of wedding arranging appointments. I'd tried on several dresses, sampled dozens of cakes, and looked upon nearly a whole meadow's worth of flowers. But Elizabeth seemed anxious to push the wedding ahead, and neither Edward nor I had any issues with a short engagement.

I hoped that Elizabeth's reasons for a short engagement were not only because the influenza had reached us, in fact it was calling from our doorstep. Just a few doors down the a family-the Kellys-had suffered their first lost by the death of the mother, and they were soon to suffer a second as their father was failing fast.

Still this black cloud on society didn't cease the parties and socials. It was at one of these evening events that Edward and I sat hidden amongst the potted plants in a quiet corner, a fruitless attempt to hide from prying eyes.

"Everyone knows, you can see it in the way they stare," I whispered as another appraising glance came our way from Mrs Tully.

"Yes we do seem to be a point of interest. My only wish is that we didn't have a need to stay at the ball." He lowered his voice at the end, speaking with a low husky tone that resonated in my ears.

"Yes, I know. It's not too conducive to privacy, all these people milling around - prying eyes."

"Exactly. The worst of it is. . ." He murmured as his eyes cast a covert glance around the room, and his feet took an edging step towards me. ". . . that I want to kiss you and I can't."

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