Chapter 49

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I would have thought my behaviour would have guaranteed my constant imprisonment, but it didn't. Instead it seemed Aro took it upon himself to ensure I spent only my nights sleeping alone in my room. He would always summon me through Heidi, and would send me off with her when he had had enough of my silence. I never talked when I was with him and any words I shared with Heidi were just a part of our stubborn interactions. Me, always pushing her patience, while she tried to instil fear through her threatening actions. Neither of us ever broke down or showed the other weakness, so in a way I enjoyed my small battles with her.

My time spent with Aro-and only Aro since neither of his brothers seemed inclined to know me-consisted of one sided conversations and an education of sorts. He never told me much about the inner workings of the Volturi, or even what uses the many vampire members they had were. Instead he tried to amaze me with the lavish artefacts and objects they had collected over the years, the extraordinary art collection they had, and the confusing symbiotic relationship they had with the people of Volterra.

"You see our city is the safest in the world, my dear. No vampires are permitted to hunt here, and any crimes committed are solved within record time-thanks to our ability to aid the police force," Aro continued as we walked along one of the brighter corridors in the castle.

"We never have contact with the police ourselves, but our receptionist, Luella, is able to communicate any knowledge we know with the greatest of discretion." He indicated the solitary human woman-visible through the arch-who sat at her desk in an expansive hall.

I looked at her with confusion. It wasn't that I couldn't understand why the Volturi had a human within their midst, or even why she chose to work for them. I understood those things. They needed someone to act as the welcoming face and go between. And she was probably attracted by the beauty, wealth, and possibility of immortality as sickening as that seemed. What puzzled me was how they held the law of secrecy so high in regard and yet they discarded it for their own purposes. What message did that give out to their 'subjects'?

"Come, Sarelle, I shall show you the art we have gathered from the romantic era, it was such a beautiful time," he said wistfully as he gently pressed his hand to the middle of my back. I was wearing another 'gift', a black and red gown that seemed more appropriate for a royal ball than a day trip around the castle. However, since this was my fourth outing in just as many days, I knew that the dresses I wore were mere rags to them.

We travelled a little higher, along a corridor with tall arching painted glass windows on either side. Each pane was a complex mosaic of colour glass pieces, all coming together to form an image that depicted something of significance. Although I couldn't possibly say what they meant to the Volturi.

We entered into a room of muted light which was probably to protect the hundreds of paintings that hung on the tall walls. It seemed the room was the height of two storeys although there was no middle floor creating a huge expanse of space. Although there was no solid second floor, there was a wooden walkway that followed the walls, allowing someone to look at the paintings higher up without having to stand so far away.

I knew Aro showed me all these things in a way to dazzle me, maybe show me a glimpse of what life with the Volturi offered you. It was probably to make the fact he planned on changing me a more favourable option, and for many humans this amount of richness would be a definite draw. Even for me I adored the history they had collected, and marvelled at the magnificent artistic pieces they had in their possession. But it wasn't enough for me to want to join them.

"This room contains four hundred and fifty one paintings from the years of the seventeen hundreds and eighteen hundreds." Aro's voice echoed around the cavernous space, encompassing me with his mellow tenor.

The Story Of Sarelle (Twilight)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz