Dear bully 1

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Dear Bully,

Today was the first day of senior year resumption.
I tired avoiding you but that was like a crippled prey running from it's natural preditor, if it isn't obviously I'm the crippled prey and you are the preditor.

You stood by my at my locker possibly waiting for me to inflict pain I'm not so sure I deserve.

The smirk you sent my way didn't feel mocking or anything, you simply walked away I was terrified.

Too scared to open my locker because I didn't want to get punked and possibly ruining my clothes and my already dead mood, I went the whole day without my notes
Unfortunately we had a test so I couldn't prepare.

An Algebra test

Wonderful isn't it?.

Ella's pov
***The night before***

"You are late" Mother's voice soured as she spoke, she sat crossed leg on the sofa a bottle in her hand and a smoke in another.

I was scared, she was most likely drunk and the chances of her attacking me were higher than most.

"I went to get the groceries" I showed her the bags in my hand, Expecting the absolute worse.

"Where did you get the money from?" She asked me her voice dropping deadly.

"M-my saving..." The sharp sting which felt less like a hand and more like a brick hit me square on the cheek, I turn to see my mom still sitting but the bottle missing.

That explains the pain.

I staggered back from the impact colliding with the door lucky for me the bottle did not break on my face.

"Did you steal my money?" She glares at me, her eyes unfocused hinting she was going to pass out soon enough.

"N-No" I manage to say, my cheek hurtting badly as i spoke.

She went from glaring at me, to falling asleep almost immediately.

Guess she was really drunk this time.

That's a good thing for me.

Taking the groceries with me to the kitchen surprised how it didn't fall when I nearly fell, I arranged the items before heading to the sitting room to more or less drag my knocked out mother to her bed.

After doing that I head to my room locking the door behind me before tending to my new wound.

Lucky for me it was just a bruise no cuts so I was expecting swelling and a lot of redness on my skin but I think I'll live.


Honestly the bruise doesn't hurt as bad as the other ones mother had inflicted on me before, so the pain was fairly bearable, The onlya thing I'd have to deal with will be a swollen face and some blister and the struggle to actually hide the injury.

I guess this is goodnight.

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