Dear Bully 32

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Dear what ever,

Rumour has it you got your football scholarship.
I am happy you got your dream.

I heard you sing last night you have a beautiful voice.
Also Miss, I hate Ella more than anyone else, Claire has been expelled apparently someone got whiff of a video of her cutting me and posted it online.

The principal couldn't brush it off and had to expel them because students parents weren't satisfied with the 2 weeks suspension he planned to give her or something.

That's honest bull.

Where were they when it was going down in public view?, when I was being bullied and humiliated everyday.

They probably got scared that she'll do it to their kids too.

Haha jokes on them I've lived with this for way too long for me to even give a fuck.

By the way my cheek is healing quiet nicely, I will definitely have a scar, She ruined my face.

Funny thing, Mother doesn't even know what happened and why my face was bandage, she found out two weeks after the incident.

I'm not surprised after all she doesn't even care.

Dear bullyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora