Dear bully 17

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Dear Bully,
You ripped my homework and called me fat....I guess I need to lose more.

I saw your posts on my account.
why are you still doing this?.

***Ella's pov***

I got detention for not turning in my assignment, even after I had told the teacher, Alex tore it.

They were furious that I would make up such incriminating lie and added to my punishment, Fun right?.

I wasn't as angry as I should have been. I sat through detention doing my assignment determined to finish them all before I went home.

It was around six fifty-two pm when I was done about three hours ago.
I hurriedly stood up making me feel dizzy, I leaned into the table to get myself together before trudging out of the class room, not saying the free choice of words I had for the teacher out loud.

The school looked weird, no student not even the janitor was around and I actually liked it.
Taking in a deep breath I step out of the building and headed to my house.

Mother was furious about the detention that she threw a few vase and even the remote at me, I didn't sustain much injury just some shard of glass stuck to my right arm, the hand I used to shield myself.

I was too tired to even dress my wounds not to talk of removing the glass shards, I just fell asleep too tired to care.

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