Chapter 10 (Elijah)

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Anastasia Rosaline Parker's POV

I was almost dozing off in the chair, when I heard a phone ringing. I jumped up at the sound dropping my phone.

It's been so long since someone has called me that I forgot my own ringtone.

Somebody was calling me and it was actually my phone that was ringing.

Jeez! I put my hand over my racing heart.

I slowly picked up my phone from the floor, I saw that an unknown number was calling me.

With shaking fingers, I swiped right and accepted the call.

I brought it to my ear and waited. I didn't know who was calling me.

"Hello I'm waiting outside" a rough voice, said.

Im guessing this was one of my brothers.

Oh my god even his voice sounded scary.

I muttered a timid 'ok' and ended the call.

I put my bag on my shoulder with great caution. My ribs still hurt real bad.

I then pulled my luggage and started limping outside.

I just stood awkwardly outside waiting for my brother to hopefully recognise me.

I felt someone staring at me. I saw a man in nike sweatpants and a t-shirt.

This cannot possibly be my brother. He had full sleeve tattoos on both his arms.

He approached me and introduced himself in his rough and intimidating voice.

He said his name was Elijah and he was my second eldest brother.

What if he was not my real brother? I had no idea how he even looked like or his name. What if he was lying to me?
What if he was a stranger and wanted to kidnap me?

My anxiety was creeping in. I started shaking and taking in deep breaths. My so called brother was just staring at me.

"Hey are you ok?" he put his hand on my shoulder, I flinched and backed away from him.

"Ho-w do I know tha-t, How do I know that you are my brother and n-ot not so-me random st-ran-ge strangerr?" I asked him.

He laughed at me. What? Why was he laughing?

He then took out his phone and called someone.

"Yeah. Hi, yes this is Elijah speaking, I just found her but she doesn't believe that I'm her brother, ok sure yeah"he spoke on the phone.

He then passed the phone to me.I hesitantly took it from him, making sure that I didnt touch him.

"Hello?" I whispered into the phone in an unsure voice.

"Hi dear, this is Ms Nancy speaking, I can assure you that Elijah is your brother and not some random stranger. I hope that you willl adjust properly with your brothers. Best of luck in your new journey dear. Please take care and call me if you need anything"

"ouh ok, thank you Ms Nancy" I whispered than ended the call.

I passed the phone the Elijah. He raised his eyebrow then smirked "Believe me now sorellina?"

(little sister in Italian)

I just nodded my head. He took my bag from me and pulled my luggage.

"It's good that you're cautious around strangers" Elijah said.

I just nodded my head again.

I limped behind and followed him. He suddenly stopped and turned behind and faced me again.

"What happened to your leg tesoro?" (sweetheart in italian)

"I, I-I urhmn fell dow-n the stairs at uh home" I stuttered pathetically to him.

He didn't look like he believed a word I said, but he didnt question me, about how I got injured again.

I exhaled and thanked my lucky stars.

"Does it hurt? Do you want me to carry you bambina?" he asked me. (baby in Italian)

I shook my head.

Why would he think that I would allow him to carry me? I barely knew him.

He continued walking and I followed him.

Author's note
Yay she met her second eldest brother Elijah

The Youngest Blade 🔪जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें