Chapter 26(Being Brave)

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I saw this picture of this girl and was like ok this suits Anastasia's character but yall can imagine the characters as how ever you want or go to the first ever chapter.. There are pictures there too.. :p

Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

I woke up feeling exhausted. I slowly stood up and look at the time in my cracked up phone.

It was 6 am in the morning, but i didnt mind waking up this early.

I was used to it.

Back when i was with Sir, i would have to wake up early to clean the house and cook for him.

The few times that i woke up late, i got the worst beatings ever.

Now, my body automatically wakes me up at around 6 in the morning, no matter how tired i am.

I walked to the toilet and took a quick shower.

Slowly scrubbing my body as my hand with the stitches burned a lot.

Again i was grateful for the waterproof bandages.

I changed into the shirt and pants i wore when i first came here.

I havent washed it yet.. But i had no other clothes.

I tried brushing my messy and tangled long hair but my hand was hurting so i just let it be.

I took two panadols from my secret stash as my ribs were pain, then made my way to the kitchen.

I was about to enter the kitchen when i saw Ace was in there.

Before i could make make a U turn "Come here bambina" i heard him say.
(Child/ baby/babygirl)

I sighed but complied and walked into the kitchen.

How did he even see me? I wondered to myself. It's like he has eyes on the back of his head.

I kept my eyes on my worn out shoes as i didnt want to meet his intimidating eyes.

"Sit" he said.

I sat down on one of the chairs and kept my eyes on my fingers.

He sighed and came infront of me.

He squatted down so he was eye level with me.

Ace then slowly pushed my chin up so that i was looking into his intimidating eyes.

"Im sorry you had to go through all that. I've failed as a brother. I promise you that nobody will ever hurt you again. I love you baby" Ace said.

Tears filled my eyes at his words.

After mom died nobody has ever cared for me.

It was weird knowing that i had someone to protect me now.

I sniffled when Ace brought me into a hug.

He rubbed my back and whispered "Its ok baby, I'm here for you now"

I smiled for the first time in 2 years, a proper genuine smile.

He stood up and made some breakfast for me.

He put a plate of pancakes for me and another for him.

Again I was cautious, "I can eat right?" i asked him.

He sighed, "You dont have to ask permission to eat, go ahead and eat" he said, giving me a small smile.

While I was eating, Elijah came down.

He yawned and asked me why I was awake so early, in the morning.

"Im used to waking up early" I said

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