Chapter 39(PAST)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

Whatever the punishment is, I deserve it.

My fingernails pressed against my palms making crescent moon shapes on them.

Punishment. John. Punishment. John. These was all I was thinking about.

I heard footsteps coming to the kitchen.

"Cosa è successo al mio bambina?"
(What happened to my baby/babygirl/child)

"What is the problem?"

Two voices asked at the same time.

Elijah and Ace.


Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

My two eldest brothers came into the kitchen.

I could feel their eyes on me but I didn't look up.

I was too scared.

I was angry too but sadly I was more scared then I was angry.

My heart was pounding thinking, about the punishment I might get.

"Non te lo chiederò più. Che cazzo è successo? " Ace demanded sounding angry.

( I will not ask again. What the fuck happened?)

"Le ho detto per sbaglio che nessuno come John o il suo patrigno le avrebbe mai più fatto del male. Si è spaventata e si è arrabbiata perché non ci ha ancora parlato di John. Voleva sapere come facevamo a sapere di John" Xander said.

(I accidentally told her that nobody such as John or her stepfather would ever hurt her again. She got scared and angry because she didn't tell us about John yet. She wanted to know how we knew about John)

I sneaked a peek at Ace's face and saw his face become angry at Xander's confession.

"Anche lei è scappata e non siamo riusciti a trovarla per un'ora" Roman said.

(She also ran away and we couldn't find her for like an hour)

"Putain de vif" I mumbled under my breath in French.

(Fucking snitch)

Luckily no one heard what I said.

"Where did you run away to? " Xander asked again, thinking that I would tell him just because Ace and Elijah was there.

"First of all, how could I possibly run AWAY if I was still in this house?" I questioned Xander filling anger bubble up in me.

Elijah sighed.

"Look Im sorry that we dug into your past but we needed to know what happened to you" Elijah said putting his hand under my chin to make me look at him.

I snatched my face away from him.

"How did you guys find out? " I asked to all of my brothers.

"You dont need to know that" Roman said.

"Je n'ai pas besoin de savoir ça? C'est mon passé que vous avez creusé. J'étais censé te faire confiance et te le dire moi-même. Comment suis-je censé te faire confiance maintenant? Je ne voulais pas que tu saches encore. J'essaye moi-même lentement de surmonter mon passé. J'étais supposé le surmonter avant de vous en parler, mais maintenant, je ne pense pas que je vous dirai jamais quoi que ce soit maintenant. Je ne te fais plus confiance. Je ne vous faisais pas confiance au départ, mais maintenant je ne vous ferai plus jamais confiance. Une fois que j'ai 18 ans, je serai parti. Loin de vous tous. Une nouvelle vie sans mon passé et aucun de vous"I said out of breath as I finished my long rant in French.

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