7. Keerti

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Keerti's point of view

My lips curled into a smile looking at the Nick and Emily's wedding pictures in my phone where Nick tripped on his feet while dancing and falls down along with Emily. It was really a gunny moment. Everyone broked into a fistfull laugh and Emily was glaring at Nick in anger.

Today is Sunday so no office, so i am chilling in my bedroom, spending my time by looking at the pictures of Nick  and Emily's wedding.

Mom and Dad went outside with their friends and Bhayi and Bhabhi don't know where they both are since yesterday. I didn't see them after the wedding, I tried Preeti Bhabhi phone but it was switched off and Bhayi didn't pick his phone.

I swiped and the next picture is  Bhabhi, Emily and mine. I was wearing a creamy pink skirt and it was really looking a good on me. We all three smile while looking at the camera.

My eyes narrowed and I looked at my phone with more focus when I noticed someone familiar behind us. I zoomed the picture and saw it was bhayi standing behind, far from us and looking at our side, especially bhabhi.

He is crazy for her.

I rolled my eyes and swipe the next picture and it was none other than the love birds. Bhayi and bhabhi was dancing wile looking at each other's eyes with love. They both are perfect example of true love.

They both face many difficulties in their life but always stood beside each other and the way they both look at eachother, I wish I also have someone who looked at me with same love as bhayi looked at bhabhi. I wish I will also get same kind of love.

I swiped  the next picture, my hands froze and my eyes is stuck in their sockets, looking at the picture.

It was a picture of I and James dancing. Last I remember I was dancing with Dad, I don't know how I end up in his arms. We both are looking at eachother like we both are so in love which is not true. He probably hates me what I have done to him and he make me feel more guilty when he behaved politely with me. Maybe he forgets everything and move on.



I picked the call immediately when I saw the caller ID.



"Did I disturb you?" Serra asked me.

"No..Absolutely not." I said.

"Oh! Okey..I know it's Sunday, But can you do me a favor." She asked me little hesitantly.

"Can you give me the file which I gave you on Friday?" She asked me hesitantly.

"Right now..?" I asked her while crossing my fingers, hoping she said 'No' because I'm not in a mood to leave my room.



"Okay. I'll come to your house." I said while sighing.

"Oh..No need to go there. Actually I am at office right now so you need to come here."


It was too far from here at the other side of the downtown and I don't want to drive that far.

"Okey..I will be there in 30." I said while pushing back my hair.

"Okey see you in 30." After saying this she hung up.

I got up from the the bed I walked to my walkin closet.

Today is sunny day so I changed into yellow sundress. I picked the file and ny phone and walked to downstairs.

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